// 24.10.1_webgl-527-g6380ff1c94 export type Vector2 = { x: number; y: number; }; export type Vector3 = { x: number; y: number; z: number; }; export type Rotation = { x: number; y: number; z?: number; }; /** * An orientation described with Euler-like angles in degrees. */ export type Orientation = { yaw: number; pitch: number; roll: number; }; export type Size = { w: number; h: number; }; /** * An RGB represenation of a color. * Each property is normalized to the range [0, 1] */ export type Color = { r: number; g: number; b: number; }; /** * An object representing an observer that is subscribed to an observable. */ export interface ISubscription { /** * Removes the observer from the observable so that it stops receiving updates. */ cancel(): void; } /** * A callback that can be subscribed to changes of an [[IObservable]] * * The functional style version of the [[IObserver]] * @param The type of the data being observed. */ export type ObserverCallback = (data: DataT) => void; /** * An observer that can be subscribed to changes of an [[IObservable]] * * The object-oriented version of the [[ObserverCallback]] * @param The type of the data being observed. */ export interface IObserver { /** Called when the data in the [[IObservable]] has changed. */ onChanged(data: DataT): void; } /** * A callback that describes a condition of an [[IObservable]] to wait for. * Returning true will resolve the promise returned by [[IObservable.waitUntil]] * * The functional style version of the [[ICondition]] * @param The type of the data to check conditions on. */ export type ConditionCallback = (data: DataT) => boolean; /** * An observer-like object that describes a condition to wait for on an [[IObservable]] * * The object-oriented version of the [[ConditionCallback]] * @param The type of the data to check conditions on. */ export interface ICondition { /** * Called when the data in the [[IObservable]] has changed. * Returning true will resolve the promise returned by [[IObservable.waitUntil]] */ waitUntil(data: DataT): boolean; } /** * A data object that can have its changes observed via subscribing an [[IObserver]] or [[ObserverCallback]] * @param The type of the data being observed. */ export interface IObservable { /** * Subscribe to changes on this object. * When this observable detects a change, the `observer` provided will be called with the data associated with this observable. * @param observer * @returns {ISubscription} A subscription that can be used to remove the subscribed observer. */ subscribe(observer: IObserver | ObserverCallback): ISubscription; /** * Wait for a specific condition on this object to be met. * When this observable detects a change, the `condition` provided will be called. When the `condition` returns true, the returned Promise will be resolved. * @param {ICondition | ConditionCallback} condition * @returns {Promise} A promise that is resolved when `condition` returns true. */ waitUntil(condition: ICondition | ConditionCallback): Promise; } /** * An observer that can subscribe to changes of an [[IObservableMap]] * * @param The type of the items in the map. */ export interface IMapObserver { /** Called when an item is added with the `index`, the new `item`, and current state of the `collection`. */ onAdded?(index: string, item: ItemT, collection: Dictionary): void; /** Called when an item is removed, with the `index`, the removed `item`, and current state of the `collection`. */ onRemoved?(index: string, item: ItemT, collection: Dictionary): void; /** Called when an existing item is altered, with the `index`, the new `item`, and current state of the `collection`. */ onUpdated?(index: string, item: ItemT, collection: Dictionary): void; /** * Called when a set of changes happens within the `collection`. * For example, this can be used to get the initial state of the collection instead of receiving individual `onAdded` calls for each item. */ onCollectionUpdated?(collection: Dictionary): void; } /** * A map that can have its changes observed via subscribing an [[IMapObserver]] * * For each observer subscribed to this `IObservableMap`: * - `observer.onAdded` will be called when an item is added to the collection * - `observer.onRemoved` will be called when an item is removed from the collection * - `observer.onUpdated` will be called when an item has some of its properties changed * - `observer.onCollectionUpdated` will be called when some set of the above events have occured (item added/removed/updated) * * When first subscribing, the observers' `onAdded` will be called for each item in the collection, and then again as items are added. * Alternatively, the `onCollectionUpdated` will always give an up-to-date view of the collection. * `onCollectionUpdated`, on first subscription, will be called once with the entire collection, and then again as changes to the collection occur. * * @param The type of the items in the map being observed. */ export interface IObservableMap { /** * Subscribe to changes in this map. * When this observable detects a change, the `observer` provided will have its `onAdded`, `onRemoved`, and/or `onUpdated` called. * @param observer * @returns {ISubscription} A subscription that can be used to remove the subscribed observer. */ subscribe(observer: IMapObserver): ISubscription; } /** * A homogenous collection of items indexable by string like a standard JavaScript object. * Can also be iterated with a `for..of` loop. * * @param The type of each item in this collection. */ export interface Dictionary { /** * Iterate all items in the collection using `for..of`. * ```typescript * for (const [key, item] of collection) { * console.log(`the collection contains ${item} at the index ${key}`); * } * ``` */ [Symbol.iterator](): IterableIterator<[ string, ItemT ]>; /** Get an item using a specific `key`. */ [key: string]: ItemT; } /** * An interface that is used to indicate that a resource or object is no longer needed. */ export interface IDisposable { dispose(): void; } declare function disconnect(): void; export declare namespace App { enum Event { PHASE_CHANGE = "application.phasechange" } /** * Application phases are returned as part of the [[state]] observable. * * ``` * mpSdk.App.state.subscribe(function (appState) { * if(appState.phase === mpSdk.App.Phase.LOADING) { * console.log('The app has started loading!') * } * if(appState.phase === mpSdk.App.Phase.STARTING) { * console.log('The transition into the start location begins!') * } * if(appState.phase === mpSdk.App.Phase.PLAYING) { * console.log('The app is ready to take user input now!') * } * }); * ``` */ enum Phase { UNINITIALIZED = "appphase.uninitialized", WAITING = "appphase.waiting", LOADING = "appphase.loading", STARTING = "appphase.starting", PLAYING = "appphase.playing", ERROR = "appphase.error" } /** * Application */ enum Application { UNKNOWN = "application.unknown", WEBVR = "application.webvr", SHOWCASE = "application.showcase", WORKSHOP = "application.workshop" } /** * Feature availability and activation data is returned as a part of the [[features]] observable. */ enum Feature { RoomBounds = "feature.roombounds" } /** * @deprecated This type is used by deprecated functionality. Use [[state]] observable. */ type AppState = { application: Application; phase: Phase; }; /** * An observable collection of features and their state * 'true' - Feature is available * 'false' - Feature is not available * 'undefined' - Feature availability cannot be determined. */ type Features = Record; type State = { application: Application; phase: Phase; /** * An object whose keys are phases from [[Phase]] * and values are epoch time in milliseconds. * The times are filled in after the phase has passed. * ``` * { * phaseTimes: { * 'appphase.uninitialized': 1570084156590, * 'appphase.waiting': 0, * 'appphase.loading': 0, * 'appphase.starting': 0, * 'appphase.playing': 0, * 'appphase.error': 0, * } * } * ``` */ phaseTimes: { [phase: string]: number; }; }; /** * App.Locale Module for Internal Use. * * @hidden * @internal * @experimental */ namespace Locale { /** * Return the language code currently used by Showcase. * * ``` * const locale = await mpSdk.App.Locale.getLanguageCode(); * ``` * * @return string * * @hidden * @internal * @experimental */ function getLanguageCode(): Promise; /** * Returns a translation function to use with registered strings. * * ``` * const t = mpSdk.App.Locale.getT(); * let string = t('EXPLORE_3D_SPACE'); * console.log(string); * ``` * output (if locale is 'es'): * > Explorar el espacio 3D * * @return t(key: string, options?: number): string * * @hidden * @internal * @experimental * */ function getT(): Promise<(key: string, options?: number) => string>; } } export interface App { Event: typeof App.Event; Feature: typeof App.Feature; Phase: typeof App.Phase; Application: typeof App.Application; /** * An observable list of features, their availability and their presence in Showcase. * * ```typescript * App.features.subscribe({ * onChanged(features) { * if (features[App.Feature.RoomBounds] !== cache[App.Feature.RoomBounds]) { * // room bounds setting has changed * if (features[App.Feature.RoomBounds] !== undefined) { * console.log('RoomBounds are ', features[App.Feature.RoomBounds] ? 'available' : 'unavailable'); * } * else { * console.log('RoomBounds are unavailable.'); * } * } * } * }); * ``` * @embed * @bundle * @introduced 24.9.3 */ features: IObservable; /** * @deprecated Use [[state]] observable to get the current phase or application. */ getState(): Promise; /** * @deprecated Use [[state]] observable to get load times. */ getLoadTimes(): Promise<{ [key in App.Phase]: null | number; }>; /** * An observable application state object. * * ``` * mpSdk.App.state.subscribe(function (appState) { * // app state has changed * console.log('The current application: ', appState.application); * console.log('The current phase: ', appState.phase); * console.log('Loaded at time ', appState.phaseTimes[mpSdk.App.Phase.LOADING]); * console.log('Started at time ', appState.phaseTimes[mpSdk.App.Phase.STARTING]); * }); * * output * > The current application: application.showcase * > The current phase: appphase.waiting * > Loaded at time 1570084156590 * > Started at time 1570084156824 * > * ``` */ state: IObservable; Locale: { /** * Return the language code currently used by Showcase. * * ``` * const locale = await mpSdk.App.Locale.getLanguageCode(); * ``` * * @return string * * @hidden * @internal * @experimental */ getLanguageCode(): Promise; /** * Returns a translation function to use with registered strings. * Options can be a number to show plurality. * * ``` * const t = mpSdk.App.Locale.getT(); * let string = t('EXPLORE_3D_SPACE'); * console.log(string); * ``` * output (if locale is 'es'): * > Explorar el espacio 3D * * @return t(key: string, options?: unknown): string * * @hidden * @internal * @experimental * */ getT(): Promise<(key: string, options?: number) => string>; }; } export declare namespace Asset { /** * @hidden * @internal * @experimental */ type VrColorplanMetadata = { height: number; imageOriginX: number; imageOriginY: number; resolutionPpm: number; width: number; }; /** * @hidden * @internal * @experimental */ type VrColorplanData = { data: VrColorplanMetadata; imageDataUrls: string[]; }; /** * @hidden * @internal * @experimental */ interface IAttachment { id: string; created: Date; mediaType: MediaType; category: AttachmentCategory; parentId?: string; parentType: ParentType; filename?: string; bytes?: number; mimeType?: string; /** source url - prefer `url.get()` over this. */ src: string; /** expiring url */ url: ExpiringResource; /** expiring thumbnail url */ thumbnailUrl: ExpiringResource; height: number; width: number; } /** * @hidden * @internal * @experimental */ enum MediaType { IMAGE = "image", PDF = "pdf", VIDEO = "video", RICH = "rich", ZIP = "zip", TEXT = "text", AUDIO = "audio", MODEL = "model", APPLICATION = "application" } /** * @hidden * @internal * @experimental */ enum AttachmentCategory { EXTERNAL = "external", UPLOAD = "upload", SANDBOX = "sandbox" } /** * @hidden * @internal * @experimental */ enum ParentType { COMMENT = "comment", MATTERTAG = "mattertag" } /** * @hidden * @internal * @experimental */ type ExpiringResource = { get(): Promise; onStale?: () => Promise; validUntil: Date | null; }; } export interface Asset { /** * Get colorplan data URLs and metadata. The optional sid has one caveat, it assumes that the floor count of the other space is the same as the current space. * See https://matterport.atlassian.net/browse/JSSDK-2160 * * ``` * const { data, imageDataUrls } = await mpSdk.Asset.getVrColorplans(); * ``` * * @param sid An optional string space sid. Used to access the colorplans of other spaces. Omitting this value defaults to the current space. * * @hidden * @internal * @experimental */ getVrColorplans(): Promise; /** * @hidden * @internal * @experimental */ getVrColorplans(sid: string): Promise; /** * Register a texture to use with subsequent calls like [[Tag.editIcon]]. * * **Note**: It is recommended to host your own images to mitigate cross origin limitations. * * ``` * mpSdk.Asset.registerTexture('customTextureId', 'https://[link.to/image]'); * ``` * * @param id A user specified string to use as a lookup of this texture * @param iconSrc The src of the icon, like the src of an \ * * @embed * @bundle * @introduced */ registerTexture(id: string, iconSrc: string): Promise; /** * Gets an asset by specified ID. Throws an error if no * asset with the desired ID exists. * ``` * mpSdk.Asset.getAssetById('your-asset-id') * .then(async function(asset){ * console.log('Asset URL is', await asset.url.get()); * }); * ``` * @return A promise that resolves with the desired asset. * * @hidden * @internal * @experimental */ getAssetById(id: string): Promise; /** * Refresh assets from server, ensuring that all attachments are up to date. * * @hidden * @internal * @experimental */ refreshAssets(): Promise; } export declare namespace Mode { enum Mode { INSIDE = "mode.inside", OUTSIDE = "mode.outside", DOLLHOUSE = "mode.dollhouse", FLOORPLAN = "mode.floorplan", TRANSITIONING = "mode.transitioning" } enum Event { /** @event */ CHANGE_START = "viewmode.changestart", /** @event */ CHANGE_END = "viewmode.changeend" } type TransitionData = { from: Mode | null; to: Mode | null; }; enum TransitionType { INSTANT = "transition.instant", FLY = "transition.fly", FADEOUT = "transition.fade" } type MoveToModeOptions = { rotation?: Rotation; position?: Vector3; transition?: TransitionType; zoom?: number; }; type CurrentViewmodeData = Mode | null; } export interface Mode { Mode: typeof Mode.Mode; Event: typeof Mode.Event; TransitionType: typeof Mode.TransitionType; /** * The current view mode. * * ``` * mpSdk.Mode.current.subscribe(function (mode) { * // the view mode has changed * console.log('Current view mode is is ', mode); * }); * ``` * * @embed * @bundle * @introduced */ current: IObservable; /** * Change the viewing mode in 3D Showcase. * *``` * const mode = mpSdk.Mode.Mode.FLOORPLAN; * const position = {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0}; * const rotation = {x: -90, y: 0}; * const transition = mpSdk.Mode.TransitionType.FLY; * const zoom = 5; * * mpSdk.Mode.moveTo(mode, { * position: position, * rotation: rotation, * transition: transition, * zoom, * }) * .then(function(nextMode){ * // Move successful. * console.log('Arrived at new view mode ' + nextMode); * }) * .catch(function(error){ * // Error with moveTo command * }); * ``` * * Notes about transitions to Floorplan mode: * * `zoom` option is only taken into account in Floorplan transitions, the lower the number, * the further the camera is zoomed in * * The position of a floorplan view is determined by the X and Z arguments of the optional position object. * * The rotation of a floorplan view is determined by the X and Y of the optional rotation object, * changing X changes the 'roll' of the view, similar to hitting the LEFT/RIGHT arrow keys in Showcase * floorplan view, changing the Y value has no analog in showcase, but changes the 'tilt' of the view. * * @param The mode. * @param Options object, containing optional position, rotation, transition type * @return A promise that resolves with the new mode once the mode has transitioned. */ moveTo(mode: Mode.Mode, options?: Mode.MoveToModeOptions): Promise; /** * An observable transition of the current viewmode. `from` and `to` will be null * if there is no active transition. * * ``` * mpSdk.Mode.transition.subscribe(function (transition) { * // the transition has changed * console.log(transition.from, transition.to, transition.progress); * }); * ``` * * @embed * @bundle * @introduced */ transition: IObservable; } export declare namespace Camera { type Pose = { position: Vector3; rotation: Vector2; projection: Float32Array; sweep: string; mode: Mode.Mode; }; enum Event { /** @event */ MOVE = "camera.move" } enum Direction { FORWARD = "FORWARD", LEFT = "LEFT", RIGHT = "RIGHT", BACK = "BACK", UP = "UP", DOWN = "DOWN" } type RotateOptions = { /** * Rotation speed in degrees per second. */ speed?: number; }; type ZoomData = { /** * The current zoom level */ level: number; }; } export interface Camera { Event: typeof Camera.Event; Direction: typeof Camera.Direction; /** * Returns the current state of camera. * ``` * mpSdk.Camera.getPose() * .then(function(pose){ * console.log('Current position is ', pose.position); * console.log('Rotation angle is ', pose.rotation); * console.log('Sweep UUID is ', pose.sweep); * console.log('View mode is ', pose.mode); * }); * ``` * @return A promise that resolves with the current state of the camera. * @deprecated You can use the [[pose]] observable property instead. */ getPose(): Promise; /** * An observable pose data object that can be subscribed to. * * ``` * mpSdk.Camera.pose.subscribe(function (pose) { * // Changes to the Camera pose have occurred. * console.log('Current position is ', pose.position); * console.log('Rotation angle is ', pose.rotation); * console.log('Sweep UUID is ', pose.sweep); * console.log('View mode is ', pose.mode); * }); * ``` */ pose: IObservable; /** * Moves user to a different sweep relative to their current location * * ``` * const nextDirection = mpSdk.Camera.Direction.FORWARD; * * mpSdk.Camera.moveInDirection(nextDirection) * .then(function(){ * console.log('The camera has moved forward.'); * }) * .catch(function(){ * console.warning('An error occured while moving in that direction.'); * }); * ``` * @param direction The direction. * @return A promise that resolves when a sweep has been reached. * * **Errors** * * * Fails if direction is not one of the above options. * * Warns if you can’t move in that direction (hit a wall). * * **Notes** * * This is the same behavior as if the user presses the arrow keys while in 3D Showcase. * * * Camera.Direction.UP is like moving forwards * * Camera.Direction.DOWN is like moving backwards * * This action is for moving between sweeps while in Inside View. */ moveInDirection(direction: Camera.Direction): Promise; /** * Pans the camera. * * ``` * mpSdk.Camera.pan({ x: 1, z: 1 }) * .then(function() { * // Pan complete. * }) * .catch(function(error) { * // Pan error. * }); * ``` * * @param params.x Absolute position of the sweep on the x axis. * @param params.z Absolute position of the sweep on the z axis. * @return A promise that resolves when the pan is complete. * * **Errors** * * * Warns if pan was successful but you hit the model bounds. * * Fails if you are already at the model bounds and you cannot move any further. * * **Notes** * * The orientation of the axes depends on the sweep you were in before entering * Floorplan and the aspect ratio of window. * * Only available in Dollhouse or Floorplan View. This is the same behavior as * if the user uses the keyboard shortcuts W, A, S, and D or the arrow keys. * * Use `mpSdk.Camera.pan({ x: 0, z: 0 });` to return to directly above the * very first sweep scanned. */ pan(params: { x: number; z: number; }): Promise; /** * Rotates the camera (user’s viewpoint). * * ``` * mpSdk.Camera.rotate(10, -20, { speed: 2 }) * .then(function() { * // Camera rotation complete. * }) * .catch(function(error) { * // Camera rotation error. * }); * ``` * * @param vertical How many degrees to rotate up or down. * @param horizontal How many degrees to rotate left or right. * @param options * @return A promise that resolves when the rotation is complete. * * **Errors** * * * Warns to console if you rotated, but then you hit the vertical limit. * * Warns if trying to rotate up or down in Floorplan View. * * Fails if no movement because you are already at a rotation limit. * * **Notes** * * If user is in Dollhouse or Floorplan View, the entire Matterport Space is rotated. * * Positive values for horizontal means the Space rotates clockwise. * * Negative values for horizontal counterclockwise rotations. * * In Dollhouse view, vertical ranges from 0° (horizontal) to 80° above the Space. * * In Floorplan view, the vertical value is ignored. * * If the user is in Inside View or 360º View, their viewpoint is rotated. * * Positive values for horizontal means the user rotates clockwise. * * Negative values for horizontal are counterclockwise rotations. * * Vertical ranges from -70° (down) to 70° (up). * * Tilting the view (similar to tilting one’s head) not supported. * * Rotation is relative to the user’s current viewpoint. * This is the same behavior as if the user uses the keyboard shortcuts I, J, K, and L. * Speeds less than or equal to zero are not allowed. */ rotate(horizontal: number, vertical: number, options?: Camera.RotateOptions): Promise; /** * Sets the orientation of the camera (user’s viewpoint) while in Panorama View. * * ``` * mpSdk.Camera.setRotation({ x: 10, y: -20 }, { speed: 2 }) * .then(function() { * // Camera rotation complete. * }) * .catch(function(error) { * // Camera rotation error. * }); * ``` * * @param rotation The target rotation * @param options * @return A promise that resolves when the rotation is complete. * * **Errors** * * Fails if the current view mode is not Panorama View. * * **Notes** * * A target rotation can be retrieved from [[Camera.pose]] * * Rotation is absolute so multiple calls will not further change orientation (floating point error notwithstanding). * * Speeds less than or equal to zero are not allowed. */ setRotation(rotation: Rotation, options?: Camera.RotateOptions): Promise; /** * Rotates the camera to a specific screen coordinate. * Coordinates are measure in pixels, relative to the WebGL Canvas' top left corner. * See https://www.w3schools.com/graphics/canvas_coordinates.asp for more information on coordinates. * * ``` * mpSdk.Camera.lookAtScreenCoords(500, 320) * .then(function() { * // Camera rotation complete. * }) * .catch(function(error) { * // Camera rotation error. * }); * ``` * * @param {number} x Horizontal position, in pixels. Starting from the canvas' top left corner. * @param {number} y Vertical position, in pixels. Starting from the canvas' top left corner. * @returns {Promise} A Promise that resolves when the rotation is complete. * * **Errors** * * Fails if used outside of Inside mode. * * Warns to console if you rotated, but then you hit the vertical limit. * * Fails if no movement because you are already at a rotation limit. */ lookAtScreenCoords(x: number, y: number): Promise; /** * Zooms the camera to a percentage of the base field of view. * * Ex: Doubling the zoom, halves the field of view. * * ``` * mpSdk.Camera.zoomTo(2.0) * .then(function (newZoom) { * console.log('Camera zoomed to', newZoom); * }); * ``` * * @param zoomLevel * * **Errors** * * Fails if the current mode is not Inside mode. * * Warns to console if the zoom level is outside of the zoom range supported. */ zoomTo(zoomLevel: number): Promise; /** * Zooms the camera by a percentage. The zoom delta is defined relative to the base field of view, not the current zoom. * This means that the delta is strictly added, and not multiplied by the current zoom first. * * * Ex: If at zoom 2.0, zooming by another 0.1x will bring the camera to 2.1x (2.0 + 0.1) not 2.2x (2.0 + 2.0 * 0.1) * * ``` * mpSdk.Camera.zoomBy(0.1) * .then(function (newZoom) { * console.log('Camera zoomed to', newZoom); * }); * ``` * * @param zoomDelta * * **Errors** * * Fails if the current mode is not Inside mode. * * Warns to console if the zoom level would be outside of the zoom range supported. */ zoomBy(zoomDelta: number): Promise; /** * Reset the zoom of the camera back to 1.0x. * * ``` * mpSdk.Camera.zoomReset() * .then(function () { * console.log('Camera zoom has been reset'); * }) * ``` * * **Errors** * * Fails if the current mode is not Inside mode. */ zoomReset(): Promise; /** * An observable zoom level of the camera in Panorama mode. * The zoom level will be 1.0 for all other viewmodes. * * ``` * mpSdk.Camera.zoom.subscribe(function (zoom) { * // the zoom level has changed * console.log('Current zoom is ', zoom.level); * }); * ``` */ zoom: IObservable; } export declare namespace Conversion { } export interface Conversion { /** * Converts a position of an object in 3d to the pixel coordinate on the screen * * @param worldPos Position of the object * @param cameraPose The current pose of the Camera as received from Camera.pose.subscribe * @param windowSize The current size of the Showcase player * @param result An optional, pre-allocated Vector3 to store the result * * ``` * var showcase = document.getElementById('showcaseIframe'); * var showcaseSize = { * w: showcase.clientWidth, * h: showcase.clientHeight, * }; * var cameraPose; // get pose using: mpSdk.Camera.pose.subscribe * var mattertag; // get a mattertag from the collection using: mpSdk.Mattertag.getData * * var screenCoordinate = mpSdk.Conversion.worldToScreen(mattertag.anchorPosition, cameraPose, showcaseSize) * ``` */ worldToScreen(worldPos: Vector3, cameraPose: Camera.Pose, windowSize: Size, result?: Vector3): Vector3; } export declare namespace Floor { type Floors = { currentFloor: number; floorNames: string[]; totalFloors: number; }; type FloorData = { id: string; sequence: number; name: string; }; type ObservableFloorData = { id: string | undefined; sequence: number | undefined; name: string; }; enum Event { /** @event */ CHANGE_START = "floors.changestart", /** @event */ CHANGE_END = "floors.changeend" } namespace Conversion { /** * Generate a map between v2 IDs and v1 IDs * * This method will help with migration between IDs used for floors. * * ``` * const mapping = await mpSdk.Floor.Conversion.createIdMap(); * ``` * * @param invert?: boolean - if passed, return map of v1->v2 instead */ function createIdMap(invert?: boolean): Promise>; } } export interface Floor { Event: typeof Floor.Event; Conversion: typeof Floor.Conversion; /** * This function returns the state of all floors. * * ``` * mpSdk.Floor.getData() * .then(function(floors) { * // Floor data retreival complete. * console.log('Current floor: ' + floors.currentFloor); * console.log('Total floos: ' + floors.totalFloors); * console.log('Name of first floor: ' + floors.floorNames[0]); * }) * .catch(function(error) { * // Floors data retrieval error. * }); * ``` * @deprecated Use the observable [[data]] collection instead */ getData(): Promise; /** * An observable collection of Floor data that can be subscribed to. * * See [[IObservableMap]] to learn how to receive data from the collection. * * ``` * mpSdk.Floor.data.subscribe({ * onCollectionUpdated: function (collection) { * console.log('Collection received. There are ', Object.keys(collection).length, 'floors in the collection'); * } * }); * ``` */ data: IObservableMap; /** * An observable for the player's currently active floor. * * The current floor can tell you when "all floors" are visible and encodes when the camera is transitioning between floors. * * The following table shows all 4 states of the current floor observable * (INSIDE: inside mode, DH: dollhouse mode, FP: floorplan mode). * * | | at sweep (INSIDE) or floor (DH, FP) | all floors (DH, FP) | transitioning | in unplaced 360º view | * |----------|-------------------------------------|---------------------|---------------|------------------------| * | id | `${current.id}` | '' | '' | undefined | * | sequence | `${current.sequence}` | -1 | undefined | undefined | * | name | `${current.name}` | 'all' | '' | '' | * * ``` * mpSdk.Floor.current.subscribe(function (currentFloor) { * // Change to the current floor has occurred. * if (currentFloor.sequence === -1) { * console.log('Currently viewing all floors'); * } else if (currentFloor.sequence === undefined) { * if (currentFloor.id === undefined) { * console.log('Current viewing an unplaced unaligned sweep'); * } else { * console.log('Currently transitioning between floors'); * } * } else { * console.log('Currently on floor', currentFloor.id); * console.log('Current floor\'s sequence index', currentFloor.sequence); * console.log('Current floor\'s name', currentFloor.name) * } * }); * ``` */ current: IObservable; /** * When in inside mode, this function changes the active floor, and moves the camera to the nearest position on that floor. * When in floorplan/dollhouse mode, this function changes the active floor, but does not modify the camera * * ``` * mpSdk.Floor.moveTo(2) * .then(function(floorIndex) { * // Move to floor complete. * console.log('Current floor: ' + floorIndex); * }) * .catch(function(error) { * // Error moving to floor. * }); * ``` * * @param index: The destination floor index * @return The destination floor index. */ moveTo(index: number): Promise; /** * This function displays all floors. * * ``` * mpSdk.Floor.showAll() * .then(function(){ * // Show floors complete. * }) * .catch(function(error) { * // Error displaying all floors. * }); * ``` */ showAll(): Promise; } export declare namespace Graph { /** * A descriptor for a graph vertex. Used when adding vertices to a graph. */ type VertexDescriptor = { /** The id that can be used to lookup this vertex in the graph */ id: string; /** Any user data to be associated with this vertex */ data: T; }; /** * A descriptor for a graph vertex when no extra data will be associated with each vertex. Used when adding vertices to a graph. */ type VertexIdDescriptor = { /** The id that can be used to lookup this vertex in the graph */ id: string; }; /** * A descriptor for a graph edge. Used when adding edges to a graph. */ type EdgeDescriptor = { /** The source vertex. */ src: Vertex; /** The destination vertex. */ dst: Vertex; /** The weight of the edge. */ weight?: number; }; /** * A node in the graph. */ type Vertex = { /** * The vertex's id. */ readonly id: string; /** * User data associated with the vertex. */ readonly data: T; /** * An iterable of all edges that have this vertex as its destination endpoint. * * ```typescript * const vertex = graph.vertex('a'); * for (const edgeIn of vertex.edgesIn) { * console.log(`vertex "${edgeIn.dst.id}" has an edge coming in from a vertex "${edgeIn.src.id}"`); * } * ``` */ readonly edgesIn: IterableIterator>; /** * An iterable of all edges that have this vertex as its source endpoint. * * ```typescript * const vertex = graph.vertex('a'); * for (const edgeOut of vertex.edgesOut) { * console.log(`vertex "${edgeOut.src.id}" has an edge going to a vertex "${edgeOut.dst.id}"`); * } * ``` */ readonly edgesOut: IterableIterator>; /** * An iterable of all vertices that can be traversed to from this vertex. * * ```typescript * const vertex = graph.vertex('a'); * for (const neighbor of vertex.neighbors) { * console.log(`vertex "${vertex.id}" shares an edge with "${neighbor.id}"); * } * ``` */ readonly neighbors: IterableIterator>; }; /** * A weighted, directed connection between two vertices. * * @template T The type of any user data associated with each vertex in the graph. */ type Edge = { /** The vertex at the source of this edge. */ readonly src: Vertex; /** The vertex at the destination of this edge. */ readonly dst: Vertex; /** The weight associated with this edge. */ readonly weight: number; }; /** * A directed, weighted graph data structure. * * @template T The type of any user data associated with each vertex in the graph. */ interface IDirectedGraph { /** * Watch a collection and update the graph as the collection changes. * * **Note:** If you need a graph of enabled sweeps, use [[Sweep.createGraph]] instead of the code snippet below * * ``` * // create a graph of enabled sweeps * const graph = mpSdk.createGraph(); * const sub = graph.watch({ * collection: mpSdk.Sweep.collection, * isNeighborOf(sweepSrc, sweepDst) { * return sweepSrc.data.neighbors.includes(sweepDst.id); * }, * neighborsOf(sweepVertex) { * return sweepVertex.data.neighbors.values(); * }, * weightBetween(sweepSrc, sweepDst) { * const dx = sweepDst.data.position.x - sweepSrc.data.position.x; * const dy = sweepDst.data.position.y - sweepSrc.data.position.y; * const dz = sweepDst.data.position.z - sweepSrc.data.position.z; * return Math.sqrt(dx ** 2 + dy ** 2 + dz ** 2); * }, * shouldAdd(sweep) { * return sweep.enabled; * }, * }); * * // some time later when the graph no longer needs updating * sub.cancel(); * ``` * @param collectionAdaptor * @returns ISubscription */ watch(collectionAdaptor: ICollectionAdaptor): ISubscription; /** * Add a vertex or set of vertices to the graph. * * ```typescript * // for vertices with undefined "data" (no data associated with each vertex) * const undefGraph = mpSdk.Graph.createDirectedGraph(); * graph.addVertex( * { id: 'a' }, * { id: 'b' }, * ); * * // for vertices with any other data * const graph = mpSdk.Graph.createDirectedGraph(); * graph.addVertex( * { id: 'a', data: 1 }, * { id: 'b', data: 2 }, * ); * ``` * @param vertexData A variable number of [[VertexDescriptor]]s to use to create nodes in the graph. */ addVertex(...vertexData: T extends undefined | void ? VertexIdDescriptor[] : Array>): void; /** * Test if a vertex associated with `id` is present in the graph. * * ```typescript * if (graph.hasVertex('a')) { * console.log('a vertex with id "a" was found'); * } * ``` * @param id The vertex's id. * @returns If a vertex with `id` exists, returns `true`. Otherwise, `false`. */ hasVertex(id: string): boolean; /** * Get the vertex associated with `id`. * * ```typescript * const a = graph.vertex('a'); * if (a) { * console.log(`Found a vertex with id "${a.id}"`); * } * ``` * @param id The vertex's id. * @returns If a vertex with `id` exists, returns the `Vertex`. Otherwise, `undefined`. */ vertex(id: string): Vertex | undefined; /** * Remove a vertex or a set of vertices from the graph. * * ```typescript * graph.removeVertex(a, b); * ``` * @param vertices A variable number of vertices to remove. */ removeVertex(...vertices: Array>): void; /** * An iterable of all vertices in the graph. * * ```typescript * for (const vertex of graph.vertices) { * console.log(`vertex: ${vertex.id}`); * } * ``` */ readonly vertices: IterableIterator>; /** * The number of vertices in the graph. * * ```typescript * console.log(`the graph has ${graph.vertexCount} vertices`); * ``` */ readonly vertexCount: number; /** * Set the weight of an edge or set of edges between pairs of vertices representing the connections from `src` to `dst`. * * If an error is thrown, the graph is left untouched, no edges are added. * ```typescript * graph.setEdge( * { src: a, dst: b, weight: 5 }, * { src: b, dst: c, weight: 10 }, * ); * * // update edge ab * graph.setEdge( * { src: a, dst: b, weight: 10 }, * ); * ``` * @param src The source vertex. * @param dst The destination vertex. * @param weight The weight assciated with the path from `src` to `dst`. Defaults to 0. * @throws If `src` or `dst` is not in the graph. * @throws If `weight` is negative or not a number. */ setEdge(...edgeDescs: Array>): void; /** * Get the edge that connects one vertex to another. * * ```typescript * const edge = graph.edge(a, b); * if (edge) { * console.log(`Found an edge from "${edge.src.id}" to "${edge.dst.id}" with weight ${edge.weight}`); * } * ``` * @param src The source vertex. * @param dst The destination vertex. * @returns If an edge from `src` to `dst` exists, returns the `Edge`. Otherwise, `undefined`. */ edge(src: Vertex, dst: Vertex): Edge | undefined; /** * Test if an edge from one vertex to another is present in the graph. * * ```typescript * if (graph.hasEdge(a, b)) { * console.log('an edge from "a" to "b" was found'); * } * ``` * @param src The source vertex. * @param dst The destination vertex. * @returns If an edge from `src` to `dst` exists, returns `true`. Otherwise, `false`. */ hasEdge(src: Vertex, dst: Vertex): boolean; /** * Remove an edge or a set of edges from the graph. * * ```typescript * graph.removeEdge(e1, e2); * ``` * @param edges A variable number of edges to remove. */ removeEdge(...edges: Array>): void; /** * An iterable of all edges in the graph. * * ```typescript * for (const edge of graph.edges) { * console.log(`edge: ${edge.src.id} -> ${edge.dst.id}`); * } * ``` */ readonly edges: IterableIterator>; /** * The number of edges in the graph. * * ```typescript * console.log(`the graph has ${graph.edgeCount} edges`); * ``` */ readonly edgeCount: number; /** * Remove all vertices and edges from the graph. * Also call an optional `onDispose` provided at construction. * * ```typescript * graph.dispose(); * // graph.vertexCount === 0 * // graph.edgeCount === 0 * ``` */ dispose(): void; /** * Subscribe to vertex changes. * * After this graph's vertices have been updated using [[addVertex]] or [[removeVertex]], * the `observer` attached will have its `onChanged` function called when [[commit]] is called. * * ```typescript * graph.onVerticesChanged({ * onChanged() { * console.log(`this graph's vertices have changed`); * } * }); * ``` * @param observer */ onVerticesChanged(observer: IObserver): ISubscription; /** * Subscribe to edge changes. * * After this graph's edges have been updated using [[setEdge]] or [[removeEdge]], * the `observer` attached will have its `onChanged` function called when [[commit]] is called. * * ```typescript * graph.onEdgesChanged({ * onChanged() { * console.log(`this graph's edges have changed`); * } * }); * ``` * @param observer */ onEdgesChanged(observer: IObserver): ISubscription; /** * Trigger any attached observers if there were changes to this graph. * If there are no changes to the graph, this is a no-op and no callbacks will be triggered. * * ```typescript * graph.commit(); * ``` */ commit(): void; } /** * An adaptor for an observable collection to automatically generate and update a graph. * Used in [[IDirectedGraph.watch]]. */ interface ICollectionAdaptor { /** * A observable collection from the sdk, e.g. `mpSdk.Sweep.data`. */ collection: IObservableMap; /** * Determines whether or not an item from the collection should be considered a neighbor of another item. * @param src A vertex containing the source item * @param dst A vertex containing the destination item */ isNeighborOf(src: Vertex, dst: Vertex): boolean; /** * Get a list of ids for other vertices that should be considered neighbors to an item in the collection. * @param item */ neighborsOf(item: Vertex): IterableIterator; /** * Get the weight between two items in the collection to use as the connecting edges weight. * @param src * @param dst */ weightBetween(src: Vertex, dst: Vertex): number; /** * Determines whether or not an item from the collection will be added as a graph vertex. * @param item */ shouldAdd?(item: T): boolean; } /** * The status of an A* search. */ enum AStarStatus { /** A path was found. */ SUCCESS = "astar.status.success", /** No path was found. */ NO_PATH = "astar.status.no_path", /** A path wasn't found in the time specified. */ TIMEOUT = "astar.status.timeout", /** The start vertex was not found in the graph. */ NO_START_VERTEX = "astar.status.no_start", /** The end vertex was not found in the graph. */ NO_END_VERTEX = "astar.status.no_end" } /** * The result of doing an A* search. */ type AStarResult = { /** Whether the search was successful, timed out, or if there was no path found. */ status: AStarStatus; /** The total cost of tranversing the path. */ cost: number; /** On success, contains the path of vertices. */ path: Array>; }; /** * Options that can configure how the A* algorithm runs. */ interface SearchOptions { /** An estimate of the "distance" between `vertexA` and `vertexB`. The default heuristic function returns 0. */ heuristic(vertexA: Vertex, vertexB: Vertex, edge: Edge): number; } /** * An object that encapsulates a graph and can be used to execute A* or subscribe to A* for potential changes. */ interface IAStarRunner { /** * Do the A* search. * @param timeout The amount of time to spend trying to find a path. Defaults to 5000ms. * @returns {AStarResult} The results of running A*. * * ```typescript * const aStarRunner = mpSdk.Graph.createAStarRunner(...); * const result = aStarRunner.exec(); * if (result.status === mpSdk.Graph.AStarStatus.SUCCESS) { * console.log('found a path of length', result.path.length); * } * ``` */ exec(timeout?: number): AStarResult; /** * Subscribe to changes in the underlying graph and receive a callback in `observer` when changes are detected. * @param observer * @returns {ISubscription} A subscription to stop listening for changes to the graph. * * ```typescript * const aStarRunner = mpSdk.Graph.createAStarRunner(...); * const subscription = aStarRunner.subscribe({ * onChanged(runner) { * const result = runner.exec(); * if (result.status === mpSdk.Graph.AStarStatus.SUCCESS) { * console.log('found a path of length', result.path.length); * } * } * }); * // ... some time later when the runner is no longer needed * subscription.cancel(); * ``` */ subscribe(observer: IObserver> | ObserverCallback>): ISubscription; /** * Release resources associated with the runner. * This function should be called once you are done with the runner. */ dispose(): void; } } export interface Graph { AStarStatus: typeof Graph.AStarStatus; /** * Create an empty graph data structure. * * ``` * const graph = mpSdk.Graph.createDirectedGraph(); * ``` * @param onDispose An optional callback to be called when [[IDirectedGraph.dispose]] is called * @template T The type of any user data associated with each vertex in the graph. * * @embed * @bundle * @introduced */ createDirectedGraph(onDispose?: () => void): Graph.IDirectedGraph; /** * Create a "runner" for the A* algorithm around a `graph`, and `start` and `end` vertices. * * The runner encapsulates the details of the graph and search, caches the results of A*, * and provides a way to subscribe to potential changes in the path signifying that the results of [[Graph.AStarRunner.exec]] may have changed. * * ```typescript * const graph = mpSdk.Graph.createDirectedGraph(); * // ... setup graph vertices and edges * const start = graph.vertex('start'); * const end = graph.vertex('end'); * const aStarRunner = mpSdk.Graph.createAStarRunner(graph, start, end); * const result = aStarRunner.exec(); * ``` * * @param graph The graph to traverse * @param start The start vertex. * @param end The end vertex. * @param options An optional `heuristic` function. * @return {graph.AStarRunner} A runner for A* that can execute the search or be subscribed to. * * @embed * @bundle * @introduced */ createAStarRunner(graph: Graph.IDirectedGraph, start: Graph.Vertex, end: Graph.Vertex, options?: Partial>): Graph.IAStarRunner; } export declare namespace Label { type Label = { position: Vector3; sid: string; text: string; visible: boolean; /** @deprecated Use [[floorInfo]] instead */ floor: number; floorInfo: { id: string; sequence: number; }; }; type LabelDeprecated = { position: Vector3; sid: string; text: string; visible: boolean; /** @deprecated Use [[floorInfo]] instead */ floor: number; floorInfo: { id: string; sequence: number; }; screenPosition: Vector2; }; enum Event { /** @event */ POSITION_UPDATED = "label.positionupdated" } } export interface Label { Event: typeof Label.Event; /** * This function returns the data of all labels. * * @deprecated Use [[data]] observable instead. */ getData(): Promise; /** * An observable map of the current labels. * Returns an object with a map of labels. * * ``` * mpSdk.Label.data.subscribe({ * onAdded: function (index, item, collection) { * console.log('Label added to the collection', index, item, collection); * }, * onRemoved: function (index, item, collection) { * console.log('Label removed from the collection', index, item, collection); * }, * onUpdated: function (index, item, collection) { * console.log('Label updated in place in the collection', index, item, collection); * }, * }); * ``` * * @embed * @bundle * @introduced */ data: IObservableMap; } export declare namespace Link { /** * The behavior to use when creating a link. */ enum CreationPolicy { /** Use Showcase's current window.location as the base of the link */ WINDOW = "link.creationpolicy.window", /** Use the embedder's window.location as the base of the link */ REFERRER = "link.creationpolicy.referrer", /** Use the original Matterport link as the base of the link */ MATTERPORT = "link.creationpolicy.matterport" } /** * The behavior to use when clicking a link */ enum OpenPolicy { /** Use the default behavior for the associated link type */ DEFAULT = "link.openpolicy.default", /** Open a new tab or window */ NEW_WINDOW = "link.openpolicy.newwindow", /** Open in the current iframe */ SAME_FRAME = "link.openpolicy.sameframe", /** Navigate the window that is the current embedder of Showcase */ CURRENT_WINDOW = "link.openpolicy.current" } enum DestinationPolicy { /** Navigate to the default destination for links; likely the Showcase embedder's domain */ DEFAULT = "link.destination.default", /** Navigate directly to the Showcase of a Matterport space */ MATTERPORT = "link.destination.matterport" } type CreateLinkOptions = { /** The list of URL parameters to include in the share link */ includeParams: string[]; }; type OpenPolicyOptions = { /** * An optional template for the link to use when the policy is not set to `SAME_FRAME`, * that will have any `${[param]}` substrings interpolated using the current set of URL parameters. * * If `${[param]}` is included in the path of the URL, it will be replaced by the current URL parameter's value or undefined (`${m}/show`: `abc123/show`). * * If `${[param]}` is included in the search parameters of the URL, it and it's value wil be appended ot the URL (`${m}`: `m=abc123`). * * URL parameters that are unset will be appended without a value. (`${unset}`: `unset`) * * Note: `${m}` or `${model} are special cases in model links. * Instead of the current window's "model" param, the model ID from the link will be used instead. * * As an example, the string `"https://my.domain.com/${m}/show.html?${play}&${unset}"` interpolated at the URL `https://my.domain.com/show/?m=abc123&play=1` * will result in a URL like `"https://my.domain.com/abc123/show.html?play=1&unset&m=abc123"`. */ templateHref: string; }; } export interface Link { CreationPolicy: typeof Link.CreationPolicy; OpenPolicy: typeof Link.OpenPolicy; /** * Create a shareable link to the current Showcase player. * ```typescript * const link = await sdk.Link.createLink(); * ``` * * @embed * @bundle */ createLink(): Promise; /** * Create a deep link to the current location of the current Showcase player. * ```typescript * const deepLink = await sdk.Link.createDeepLink(); * ``` * * @embed * @bundle */ createDeepLink(): Promise; /** * Change how the link the share dialog and the [[createLink]] and [[createDeepLink]] links are created. * * ```typescript * await sdk.Link.setShareLinkPolicy(sdk.Link.CreationPolicy.REFERRER); * const link = await sdk.Link.createLink(); * console.log(link); // should log a link to your page that embeds Showcase * ``` * @param policy * @param options * * @embed * @bundle */ setShareLinkPolicy(policy: Link.CreationPolicy, options?: Partial): Promise; /** * Change the behavior of clicking a link to another model. * * ```typescript * sdk.Link.setModelLinkPolicy(sdk.Link.OpenPolicy.NEW_WINDOW); * // clicking a link to another model will now open a new window * ``` * * @param policy * @param options * * @embed * @bundle */ setModelLinkPolicy(policy: Link.OpenPolicy, options?: Partial): Promise; setModelLinkPolicy(policy: Link.OpenPolicy, destination: Link.DestinationPolicy): Promise; /** * Change the behavior of clicking a link to a location within the current model. * * ```typescript * // when clicking a link with a location within the current model, open a new window with the model at the location * // instead of navigating the current model to the new location * sdk.Link.setNavigationLinkPolicy(sdk.Link.OpenPolicy.NEW_WINDOW, { * templateHref: 'https://example.com/${m}/show.html?', * }); * * // revert the navigation link behavior to the default * sdk.Link.setNavigationLinkPolicy(sdk.Link.OpenPolicy.DEFAULT); * ``` * * @param policy * @param options` * * @embed * @bundle */ setNavigationLinkPolicy(policy: Link.OpenPolicy, options?: Partial): Promise; /** * Change the behavior of clicking a link to a page from the same origin as the one hosting Showcase. * * ```typescript * sdk.Link.setSameOriginLinkPolicy(sdk.Link.OpenPolicy.CURRENT_WINDOW); * // clicking a link with the same origin as Showcase's embedder will now navigate the embedding page * * sdk.Link.setSameOriginLinkPolicy(sdk.Link.OpenPolicy.SAME_FRAME); * // clicking a link with the same origin as Showcase's embedder will now navigate Showcase's iframe to that page * ``` * * @param policy * * @embed * @bundle */ setSameOriginLinkPolicy(policy: Link.OpenPolicy): Promise; /** * Change the behavior of clicking a link to a different origin. * * ```typescript * sdk.Link.setExternalLinkPolicy(false); * // clicking an external link will now navigate the current page (not the Showcase iframe) to the link * * ``` * * @param openInNewWindow Open the link in a new tab or window; otherwise, replace the embedder's window. * true is the default behavior. * * @embed * @bundle */ setExternalLinkPolicy(openInNewWindow: boolean): Promise; } export declare namespace Mattertag { type MattertagData = { sid: string; enabled: boolean; /** The world space position of the mattertag anchor within the model */ anchorPosition: Vector3; /** The world space (non-normal) direction of the mattertag's stem */ stemVector: Vector3; stemVisible: boolean; label: string; description: string; /** @deprecated */ parsedDescription: DescriptionChunk[]; media: { type: MediaType; src: string; }; color: Color; /** @deprecated Use [[floorInfo]] instead */ floorId: number; /** @deprecated Use [[floorInfo]] instead */ floorIndex: number; floorInfo: { id: string; sequence: number; }; /** @deprecated Use [[media.type]] instead */ mediaType: MediaType; /** @deprecated Use [[media.src]] instead */ mediaSrc: string; /** @deprecated Use [[stemVector]] instead */ anchorNormal: Vector3; /** @deprecated Calculate the length of [[stemVector]] instead */ stemHeight: number; }; type ObservableMattertagData = { sid: string; enabled: boolean; /** The world space position of the mattertag anchor within the model */ anchorPosition: Vector3; /** The world space (non-normal) direction of the mattertag's stem */ stemVector: Vector3; stemVisible: boolean; label: string; description: string; media: { type: MediaType; src: string; }; color: Color; /** @deprecated Use [[floorInfo]] instead */ floorIndex: number; floorInfo: { id: string; sequence: number; }; }; enum Transition { INSTANT = "transition.instant", FLY = "transition.fly", FADEOUT = "transition.fade" } interface DescriptionChunk { text?: string; link?: Link; type: DescriptionChunkType; } interface Link { label: string; url: string; type: LinkType; navigationData?: any; } /** * Options that can be specified when injection custom HTML into a Mattertag. */ type InjectionOptions = { /** The size of the frame to create */ size?: Size; /** * @deprecated This option is no longer required and will be ignored */ windowPath?: string; /** * A map for the global functions and variables we provide in your iframe sandbox. * Only needs to be used if scripts you are importing also have a global `send`, `on`, `off`, or `tag`. */ globalVariableMap?: GlobalVariableMap; }; /** * Map the globals we provide in your sandbox to other names. */ type GlobalVariableMap = { send?: string; on?: string; off?: string; tag?: string; }; /** * A messaging object to send and receive messages to and from your iframe sandbox. */ interface IMessenger { /** * Send a messages of type `eventType` to the iframe sandbox with any optional data associated with the message */ send(eventType: string, ...args: any[]): void; /** * Add a handler for messages of type `eventType` from the iframe sandbox */ on(eventType: string, eventHandler: (...args: any[]) => void): void; /** * Remove a handler for messages of type `eventType` from the iframe sandbox */ off(eventType: string, eventHandler: (...args: any[]) => void): void; } type PreventableActions = { opening: boolean; navigating: boolean; }; enum LinkType { /** A link to another position in the current model */ NAVIGATION = "tag.link.nav", /** A link to a different Matterport model */ MODEL = "tag.link.model", /** An external link */ EXT_LINK = "tag.link.ext" } enum DescriptionChunkType { NONE = "tag.chunk.none", TEXT = "tag.chunk.text", LINK = "tag.chunk.link" } enum Event { /** @event */ HOVER = "tag.hover", /** @event */ CLICK = "tag.click", /** @event */ LINK_OPEN = "tag.linkopen" } enum MediaType { NONE = "mattertag.media.none", PHOTO = "mattertag.media.photo", VIDEO = "mattertag.media.video", RICH = "mattertag.media.rich" } /** * A subset of the MattertagData used to add Mattertags through the sdk. * Most properties are optional except those used for positioning: `anchorPosition`, `stemVector`. */ interface MattertagDescriptor { anchorPosition: Vector3; stemVector: Vector3; stemVisible?: boolean; label?: string; description?: string; media?: { type: MediaType; src: string; }; color?: Color; /** @deprecated Use [[floorIndex]] instead */ floorId?: number; floorIndex?: number; iconId?: string; } type EditableProperties = { label: string; description: string; media: { type: MediaType; src: string; }; }; interface PositionOptions { anchorPosition: Vector3; stemVector: Vector3; /** @deprecated Use [[floorIndex]] instead */ floorId: number; floorIndex: number; } } export interface Mattertag { Transition: typeof Mattertag.Transition; LinkType: typeof Mattertag.LinkType; DescriptionChunkType: typeof Mattertag.DescriptionChunkType; Event: typeof Mattertag.Event; MediaType: typeof Mattertag.MediaType; /** * This function returns metadata on the collection of Mattertags. * * @deprecated Use [[Tag.data]] instead */ getData(): Promise; /** * An observable collection of Mattertag data that can be subscribed to. * * @deprecated Use [[Tag.data]] instead */ data: IObservableMap; /** * This function navigates to the Mattertag disc with the provided sid, opening the billboard on arrival. * * ``` * mpSdk.Mattertag.navigateToTag(sid, mpSdk.Mattertag.Transition.FLY); * ``` * * @param tagSid The sid of the Mattertag to navigate to * @param transition The type of transition to navigate to a sweep where the Mattertag disc is visible * @param force If navigating to the tag is disabled, passing force === true will force the transition to occur */ navigateToTag(tagSid: string, transition: Mattertag.Transition, force?: boolean): Promise; /** * Get the disc's (3d) position of a Mattertag. * * @deprecated Disc position is automatially included in [[Tag.data]] */ getDiscPosition(tag: Mattertag.MattertagData | Mattertag.ObservableMattertagData, result?: Vector3): Vector3; /** * Add one or more Mattertags to Showcase. * Each input Mattertag supports setting the label, description, color, anchorPosition, and stemVector. * * Two properties are required: * - `anchorPosition`, the point where the tag connects to the model * - `stemVector`, the direction, aka normal, and height that the Mattertag stem points * * See [[Pointer.intersection]] for a way to retrive a new `anchorPosition` and `stemVector`. * * **Note**: these changes are not persisted between refreshes of Showcase. They are only valid for the current browser session. * * @param newTagData A single or array of Mattertag templates to add. * @return A promise that resolves with the sids for the newly added Mattertags. * * @deprecated Use [[Tag.add]] instead */ add(newTagData: Mattertag.MattertagDescriptor | Mattertag.MattertagDescriptor[]): Promise; /** * Edit the data in a Mattertag billboard. * * **Note**: these changes are not persisted between refreshes of Showcase. They are only valid for the current browser session. * * @param tagSid the sid of the Mattertag to edit * @param properties A dictionary of properties to set * * @deprecated Use [[Tag.editBillboard]] or [[Tag.registerAttachment]] and/or [[Tag.attach]] to manage media */ editBillboard(tagSid: string, properties: Partial): Promise; /** * Move and reorient a Mattertag. * * See [[Pointer.intersection]] for a way to retrieve a new `anchorPosition` and `stemVector`. * * **Note**: these changes are not persisted between refreshes of Showcase. They are only valid for the current browser session. * * @param tagSid The sid of the Mattertag to reposition * @param moveOptions The new anchorPosition, stemVector and/or floorId. * * @deprecated Use [[Tag.editPosition]] instead */ editPosition(tagSid: string, moveOptions: Partial): Promise; /** * Edit the color of a Mattertag * * @param tagSid The sid of the Mattertag to edit * @param color The new color to be applied to the Mattertag disc * * @deprecated Use [[Tag.editColor]] instead */ editColor(tagSid: string, color: Color): Promise; /** * Edit the opacity of a Mattertag * * @param tagSid The sid of the Mattertag to edit * @param opacity The target opacity for the Mattertag in the range of [0, 1] * * @deprecated Use [[Tag.editOpacity]] instead */ editOpacity(tagSid: string, opacity: number): Promise; /** * Edit the stem of a Mattertag * * @param tagSid The sid of the Mattertag to edit * @param stemOptions What to change about the Mattertag's stem - can include stemHeight and stemVisible * @introduced * * @deprecated Use [[Tag.editStem]] instead */ editStem(tagSid: string, options: { stemHeight?: number; stemVisible?: boolean; }): Promise; /** * Register an icon to use with subsequent [[Mattertag.editIcon]] calls. * * **Note**: It is recommended to host your own images to mitigate cross origin limitations. * * @param iconId A user specified string to use as a lookup of this icon * @param iconSrc The src of the icon, like the src of an \ * * @deprecated Use [[Asset.registerTexture]] instead */ registerIcon(iconId: string, iconSrc: string): Promise; /** * Change the icon of the Mattertag disc * * **Note**: these changes are not persisted between refreshes of Showcase. They are only valid for the current browser session. * * * @param tagSid The sid of the Mattertag to edit * @param iconId The id of the icon to apply * * **Errors** * * Warns if the provided `iconSrc` is an .svg file which doesn't have a `'width'` or `'height'` attribute. * Defaults to a resolution of 128x128 if neither exist. * * @deprecated Use [[Tag.editIcon]] instead */ editIcon(tagSid: string, iconId: string): Promise; /** * Resets the icon of the Mattertag disc back to its original icon. * * @param tagSid The sid of the Mattertag to reset * * @deprecated Use [[Tag.resetIcon]] instead */ resetIcon(tagSid: string): Promise; /** * Removes one or more Mattertags from Showcase. * * **Note**: these changes are not persisted between refreshes of Showcase. They are only valid for the current browser session. * * @param tagSids A single Mattertag sid or array of Mattertag sids to remove. * @return A promise with an array of Mattertag sids that were actually removed. * * @deprecated Use [[Tag.remove]] instead */ remove(tagSids: string | string[]): Promise; /** * Prevents the "default" Showcase action on a Mattertag from occurring: hover to open billboard, click to navigate to view. * * @param tagSid The sid of the Mattertag to remove actions from * @param actions The set of actions to prevent * * @deprecated Use [[Tag.allowAction]] instead */ preventAction(tagSid: string, actions: Partial): Promise; /** * Add a custom frame that can host custom HTML and JavaScript, and communicate bi-directionally with your page. * * The frame that contains your custom code will have certain limitations due to being sandboxed by the `sandbox='allow-scripts` attribute. * Attempting to access properties of other windows will also be blocked by the browser. * ([see the MDN pages about iframe sandbox](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTML/Element/iframe)) * * Currently, the HTML CAN ONLY BE SET ONCE by a call to `injectHTML`. This includes removing or clearing the HTML. * * @deprecated Use [[Tag.registerSandbox]] and [[Tag.attach]] instead */ injectHTML(tagSid: string, html: string, options: Mattertag.InjectionOptions): Promise; } export declare namespace Measurements { type MeasurementData = { sid: string; label: string; floor: number; start: Vector3; end: Vector3; }; /** * The data associated with Showcase's measurement mode */ type MeasurementModeData = { /** A unique identifier for this measurement */ sid: string; /** The list of wold-space coordinates that compose this measurement */ points: Vector3[]; /** The total length of the measurement */ totalLength: number; /** The length of each segment between consecutive pairs of points */ segmentLengths: number[]; /** The user-set "description" of this measurement */ label: string; }; type State = { active: boolean; }; } export interface Measurements { /** * This function returns metadata on the collection of Measurements. * * ``` * mpSdk.Measurement.getData() * .then(function(Measurements) { * // Measurement data retreival complete. * if(Measurements.length > 0) { * console.log('First Measurement label: ' + Measurements[0].label); * console.log('First Measurement description: ' + Measurements[0].description); * } * }) * .catch(function(error) { * // Measurement data retrieval error. * }); * ``` */ getData(): Promise; /** * An observable collection of measurement mode data that can be subscribed to. * * ``` * mpSdk.Measurements.data.subscribe({ * onAdded: function (index, item, collection) { * console.log('item added to the collection', index, item, collection); * }, * onRemoved: function (index, item, collection) { * console.log('item removed from the collection', index, item, collection); * }, * onUpdated: function (index, item, collection) { * console.log('item updated in place in the collection', index, item, collection); * }, * onCollectionUpdated: function (collection) { * console.log('the entire up-to-date collection', collection); * } * }); * ``` */ data: IObservableMap; /** * Activate or deactivate measurement mode. This function can only be used after the application has started playing. * Use [[App.state]] to determine the phase of the application. * * ``` * mpSdk.Measurements.toggleMode(true) * .then(() => { * console.log('measurement mode is now active'); * }); * ``` */ toggleMode(activate: boolean): Promise; /** * An observable measurement mode state object. * * ``` * mpSdk.Measurements.mode.subscribe(function (measurementModeState) { * // measurement mode state has changed * console.log('Is measurement mode currently active? ', measurementModeState.active); * }); * * // output * // > Is measurement mode currently active? true * ``` */ mode: IObservable; } export declare namespace Sweep { type SweepData = { /** @deprecated Use [[sid]] instead */ uuid: string; sid: string; alignmentType: Alignment; placementType: Placement; neighbors: string[]; position: Vector3; rotation: Vector3; floor: number; }; type ObservableSweepData = { /** @deprecated Use [[id]] instead */ uuid: string; /** @deprecated Use [[id]] instead */ sid: string; id: string; enabled: boolean; alignmentType: Alignment; placementType: Placement; neighbors: string[]; position: Vector3; rotation: Vector3; floorInfo: SweepFloorInfo | EmptySweepFloorInfo; }; type SweepFloorInfo = { id: string; sequence: number; }; type EmptySweepFloorInfo = { id: undefined; sequence: undefined; }; /** * `rotation.x`: is the amount the camera will rotate up/down, in the range between [-90…90] * with -90 being straight down and 90 being straight up, 45 would be looking up at a 45 degree angle., -45 down etc.. * `rotation.y`: is the amount the camera rotate around horizontally, between [-360…0…360], * negative values to rotate to the left, positive to rotate to the right. * * Note: The rotation that Sweep.moveTo uses for input is the same rotation that will get returned from the [[Camera.pose]] property. * * ``` * const cachedPose = null; * mpSdk.Camera.pose.subscribe(function (pose) { * cachedPose = pose; * }) * * // If the pose is returned immediately. * console.log(cachedPose.rotation); * ``` */ type MoveToOptions = { rotation?: Rotation; transition?: Transition; /** * Total transition time in milliseconds. */ transitionTime?: number; }; enum Event { /** * @event */ ENTER = "sweep.enter", EXIT = "sweep.exit" } enum Transition { INSTANT = "transition.instant", FLY = "transition.fly", FADEOUT = "transition.fade" } enum Alignment { ALIGNED = "aligned", UNALIGNED = "unaligned" } enum Placement { UNPLACED = "unplaced", AUTO = "auto", MANUAL = "manual" } namespace Conversion { /** * Generate a map between v2 IDs and v1 IDs * * This method will help with migration between IDs used for sweeps. * * ``` * const mapping = await mpSdk.Sweep.Conversion.createIdMap(); * ``` * * @param invert?: boolean - if passed, return map of v1->v2 instead */ function createIdMap(invert?: boolean): Promise>; /** * Return the label associated with the provided sweep ID * * The label is what's displayed for the sweep in the workshop * * ``` * const label = mpSdk.Sweep.Conversion.getLabelFromId('abcdefghijklmno0123456789'); * ``` * * @param id */ function getLabelFromId(id: string): Promise; } } export interface Sweep { Event: typeof Sweep.Event; Transition: typeof Sweep.Transition; Alignment: typeof Sweep.Alignment; Placement: typeof Sweep.Placement; Conversion: typeof Sweep.Conversion; /** * An observable collection of sweep data that can be subscribed to. * * When first subscribing, the current set of Sweeps will call the observer's `onAdded` for each Sweep as the data becomes available. * * ``` * mpSdk.Sweep.data.subscribe({ * onAdded: function (index, item, collection) { * console.log('sweep added to the collection', index, item, collection); * }, * onRemoved: function (index, item, collection) { * console.log('sweep removed from the collection', index, item, collection); * }, * onUpdated: function (index, item, collection) { * console.log('sweep updated in place in the collection', index, item, collection); * }, * onCollectionUpdated: function (collection) { * console.log('the entire up-to-date collection', collection); * } * }); * ``` */ data: IObservableMap; /** * A graph of enabled sweeps that can be used for pathfinding. * This graph will automatically update as sweeps change and trigger any observers. * The weight of each edge is the Euclidean distance from a sweep to its neighbor. * * Enabling a sweep will automatically add it and its edges to the graph.
* Disabling a sweep will automatically remove it and its edges from the graph. * * ```typescript * const sweepGraph = await mpSdk.Sweep.createGraph(); * const startSweep = sweepGraph.vertex('[start vertex]'); * const endSweep = sweepGraph.vertex('[end vertex]'); * * const path = mpSdk.Graph.createAStarRunner(sweepGraph, startSweep, endSweep).exec(); * ``` */ createGraph(): Promise>; /** * An observable for the player's current sweep. * * If the camera is transitioning to or is currently in Dollhouse or Floorplan mode, or if the camera is transitioning between sweeps, * the `currentSweep` argument in the registered callback will be a "default" sweep that has an empty `sid` property. * * If the sweep is an unaligned, unplaced 360º view, `currentSweep.floorInfo.id` and `currentSweep.floorInfo.sequence` will both be `undefined`. * * Use this table with the results of `sid`, `floorInfo.sequence`, and `floorInfo.id` to determine the current of the three possible states. * * | | at sweep | transitioning | in unplaced 360º view | * |--------------------|-------------------------|---------------|------------------------| * | sid | `${current.sid}` | '' | `${current.sid}` | * | floorInfo.sequence | `${floorInfo.sequence}` | undefined | undefined | * | floorInfo.id | `${floorInfo.id}` | undefined | undefined | * * ``` * mpSdk.Sweep.current.subscribe(function (currentSweep) { * // Change to the current sweep has occurred. * if (currentSweep.sid === '') { * console.log('Not currently stationed at a sweep position'); * } else { * console.log('Currently at sweep', currentSweep.sid); * console.log('Current position', currentSweep.position); * console.log('On floor', currentSweep.floorInfo.sequence); * } * }); * ``` * * You can also use this observable to wait until the user is in a sweep before executing additional code: * * ```typescript * await mpSdk.Sweep.current.waitUntil((currentSweep) => currentSweep.id !== ''); * ``` */ current: IObservable; /** * Move to a sweep. * *``` * const sweepId = '1'; * const rotation = { x: 30, y: -45 }; * const transition = mpSdk.Sweep.Transition.INSTANT; * const transitionTime = 2000; // in milliseconds * * mpSdk.Sweep.moveTo(sweepId, { * rotation: rotation, * transition: transition, * transitionTime: transitionTime, * }) * .then(function(sweepId){ * // Move successful. * console.log('Arrived at sweep ' + sweepId); * }) * .catch(function(error){ * // Error with moveTo command * }); * ``` * * @param The destination sweep. * @param Options. * @returns A promise that will return the destination sweep. */ moveTo(sweep: string, options: Sweep.MoveToOptions): Promise; /** * Enable a set of sweeps by ids. * * Enabling a sweep will show the sweep's puck and allow the player to navigate to that location. * * ``` * mpSdk.Sweep.enable('sweep1', 'sweep2', 'sweep3'); * ``` * * @param sweepIds */ enable(...sweepIds: string[]): Promise; /** * Disable a set of sweeps by ids. * * Disabling a sweep will hide the sweep's puck and prevent the player's ability to navigate to that location. * * * ``` * mpSdk.Sweep.disable('sweep1', 'sweep2', 'sweep3'); * ``` * * @param sweepIds */ disable(...sweepIds: string[]): Promise; /** * Add specified sweep IDs to the neighbors array * * This method allows changing the sweep connectivitiy to enable navigation from `sweepId` * to all sweeps in the `toAdd` array. Note that we use V2 IDs for all arguments. Refer * to Conversion.createIdMap() if you need to convert from the legacy V1 IDs. * * ``` * Sweep.addNeighbors("hn7etcuyffbmqkyp5e43axa0b", ["zr7ns1smp51zibx4s239di7wb"]); * ``` * * @param sweepId: string - Sweep ID * @param toAdd: string[] - List of Sweep IDs to connect * @returns A promise to a list of all current neighbor IDs (v2) */ addNeighbors(sweepId: string, toAdd: string[]): Promise; /** * Remove specified sweep IDs from the neighbors array * * This method allows changing the sweep connectivitiy to prevent navigation from `sweepId` * to all sweeps in the `toRemove` array. Note that we use V2 IDs for all arguments. Refer * to Conversion.createIdMap() if you need to convert from the legacy V1 IDs. * * ``` * Sweep.removeNeighbors("hn7etcuyffbmqkyp5e43axa0b", ["zr7ns1smp51zibx4s239di7wb"]); * ``` * * @param sweepId: string - Sweep ID * @param toRemove: string[] - List of Sweep IDs to disconnect * @returns A promise to a list of all current neighbor IDs (v2) */ removeNeighbors(sweepId: string, toRemove: string[]): Promise; } export declare namespace Model { type ModelData = { sid: string; /** @deprecated Use [[Sweep.data]] instead */ sweeps: Sweep.SweepData[]; modelSupportsVr: boolean; }; type ModelDetails = { sid: string; name?: string; presentedBy?: string; description?: string; summary?: string; address?: string; formattedAddress?: string; contactEmail?: string; contactName?: string; phone?: string; formattedContactPhone?: string; shareUrl?: string; }; enum Event { /** @event */ MODEL_LOADED = "model.loaded" } } export interface Model { Event: typeof Model.Event; /** * This function returns basic model information. * * This is no longer the canonical way to receive sweep information. See [[Sweep.data]]. * * ``` * mpSdk.Model.getData() * .then(function(model) { * // Model data retreival complete. * console.log('Model sid:' + model.sid); * }) * .catch(function(error) { * // Model data retrieval error. * }); * ``` */ getData(): Promise; /** * This function returns model details. * * ``` * mpSdk.Model.getDetails() * .then(function(modelDetails) { * // Model details retreival complete. * console.log('Model sid:' + modelDetails.sid); * console.log('Model name:' + modelDetails.name); * console.log('Model summary:' + modelDetails.summary); * console.log('Model description:' + modelDetails.description); * }) * .catch(function(error) { * // Model details retrieval error. * }); * ``` */ getDetails(): Promise; } export declare namespace OAuth { /** * An observer for events from a [[ITokenRefresher]] */ interface IRefreshObserver { /** Observe successful token refresh events */ onRefresh?(): void; /** Observe failures during token refresh */ onError?(e: Error): void; } /** * The token and expiry received from a call to the API */ interface TokenInfo { access_token: string; expires_in: number; } /** * A helper to tell the [[ITokenRefresher]] how to `fetch` a new token */ interface ITokenFetcher { /** Fetch the new token. */ fetch(oldToken: string): Promise; } /** * A helper to automatically refresh tokens */ interface ITokenRefresher { /** * Shut down, stop refreshing, and clean up resources */ dispose(): void; /** * Listen for successful refreshes of the token * @param event The `'refresh'` event type * @param callback The callback to call on a refresh */ on(event: "refresh", callback: () => void): ISubscription; /** * Listen for errors when refreshing the token * @param event The `'error'` event type * @param callback The callback to call on error */ on(event: "error", callback: (e: Error) => void): ISubscription; /** * Attach an observer that can listen for refresh or error events * @param refreshObserver */ on(refreshObserver: OAuth.IRefreshObserver): ISubscription; } } export interface OAuth { /** * The [[ITokenRefresher]] constructor * ``` */ createTokenRefresher(token: OAuth.TokenInfo, tokenFetcher: OAuth.ITokenFetcher): OAuth.ITokenRefresher; } export declare namespace Pointer { export type Intersection = { position: Vector3; normal: Vector3; /** @deprecated Use [[floorIndex]] instead */ floorId: number | undefined; /** * floorIndex is only defined when the intersected object is MODEL. */ floorIndex: number | undefined; object: Colliders; }; export enum Colliders { NONE = "intersectedobject.none", MODEL = "intersectedobject.model", TAG = "intersectedobject.tag", SWEEP = "intersectedobject.sweep", UNKNOWN = "intersectedobject.unknown" } type FadeOutProps = { /** * Duration in milliseconds. Default is 700. */ duration?: number; /** * Delay in milliseconds. Default is 700. */ delay?: number; }; type FadeInProps = { /** * Duration in milliseconds. Default is 300. */ duration?: number; }; /** * Pointer reticle fade properties. */ export type FadeProps = { fadeOut?: FadeOutProps; fadeIn?: FadeInProps; }; export {}; } export interface Pointer { Colliders: typeof Pointer.Colliders; /** * An observable intersection data object that can be subscribed to. * * ``` * mpSdk.Pointer.intersection.subscribe(function (intersectionData) { * // Changes to the intersection data have occurred. * console.log('Intersection position:', intersectionData.position); * console.log('Intersection normal:', intersectionData.normal); * }); * ``` */ intersection: IObservable; /** * @introduced * @deprecated Use [[Asset.registerTexture]] to register new textures instead. */ registerTexture(textureId: string, textureSrc: string): Promise; /** * Change the texture of the pointer reticle. * * ```typescript * await mpSdk.Asset.registerTexture('customTextureId', 'https://[link.to/image]'); * * // change the texture of the pointer reticle using a previously registered id. * await mpSdk.Pointer.editTexture('customTextureId'); * ``` * * @param textureId The id of the texture to apply. * * @embed * @bundle * @introduced */ editTexture(textureId: string): Promise; /** * Resets the pointer reticle texture to the original texture. * ```typescript * await mpSdk.Pointer.resetTexture(); * ``` * * @embed * @bundle * @introduced */ resetTexture(): Promise; /** * Customizes the fade in/out behavior of the pointer reticle. * @param props face properties * * @embed * @bundle * @introduced */ setFadeProps(props: Pointer.FadeProps): Promise; /** * This function controls the visibility of the pointer reticle. * @param visible pointer reticle visibility * * @embed * @bundle * @introduced */ setVisible(visible: boolean): Promise; } export declare namespace Renderer { type Resolution = { width: number; height: number; }; type Visibility = { measurements: boolean; mattertags: boolean; sweeps: boolean; views: boolean; }; type WorldPositionData = { position: Vector3 | null; /** @deprecated Use [[floorInfo]] */ floor: number; floorInfo: { id: string; sequence: number; }; }; } export interface Renderer { /** * Takes a screenshot (JPEG) of the user’s current view. * * ``` * const resolution = { * width: 600, * height: 800 * }; * * const visibility = { * mattertags: false, * sweeps: true * }; * * mpSdk.Renderer.takeScreenShot(resolution, visibility) * .then(function (screenShotUri) { * // set src of an img element * img.src = screenShotUri * }); * ``` * * @param resolution The desired resolution for the screenshot. * For example: `{width: 1920, height: 1080}` * If no resolution is specified, then the resolution of the size of * Showcase (the current window or the iframe embed) is used. Maximum 4096 x 4096. * @param visibility Toggles certain scene objects such as Mattertag Posts and sweep markers. * If no visibility object is specified, then all scene objects are hidden. * @return A promise that resolves with the screenshot URI -- a base64 encoded string which is usable as a src of an `` element. * * **Errors** * * Warns if the resolution is 0 or negative. * */ takeScreenShot(resolution?: Renderer.Resolution, visibility?: Partial): Promise; /** * Takes an equirectangular screenshot (JPEG) of the currently active sweep. * * ``` * mpSdk.Renderer.takeEquirectangular() * .then(function (screenShotUri) { * // set src of an img element * img.src = screenShotUri * }); * ``` * * @return A promise that resolves with the screenshot URI -- a base64 encoded string which is usable as a src of an `` element. * * **Errors** * * Warns if the camera is not in Panorama mode and is instead in Dollhouse or Floorplan mode. * * **Notes** * * It is not on Matterport servers and does not persist between user sessions. */ takeEquirectangular(): Promise; /** * Converts a screen position into a world position * * If the height is not passed in, the function returns the first raycast hit in the direction of that screen position. * However, if there is no intersection with the model in that direction, the position will be null and the floor will be -1. * * ``` * const screenPosition {x: 0, y: 0}; // Top left corner of the screen * * mpSdk.Renderer.getWorldPositionData(screenPosition) * .then(function(data){ * const worldPosition = data.position; // e.g. {x: 2.2323231, y: 4.7523232, z; 7.92893}; * const floor = data.floor; // e.g. 2 * }); * ``` * * If the height is passed in, the function returns the intersection with the plane at that height. However, * if there is no intersection with the plane in that direction, the position will be null and the floor will be -1. * * ``` * const screenPosition {x: 0, y: 0}; // Top left corner of the screen * const height = 20; * * mpSdk.Renderer.getWorldPositionData(screenPosition, height) * .then(function(data){ * const worldPosition = data.position; // e.g. {x: 2.2323231, y: 20, z; 7.92893}; * const floor = data.floor // e.g. 2 * }); * ``` * @param {Vector2} screenPosition The screen position in pixels from the top-left corner of the screen. * For example, `{x: 300, y: 200}` would be the position 300 pixels right and 200 pixels down from the top-left corner. * @param {number} [height] Optional parameter for the height of the horizontal plane to intersect. If not provided, the * closest intersection with the model in that direction will be returned. * @param {boolean} [includeHiddenFloors] Optional parameter that will include floors that are hidden and ghosted * when determining the closest intersection with the model. * * **Notes** * * Returns null position if the direction of the screen position does not intersect with the model, or if a height was given, * if the the direction does not intersect with the plane at the given height. */ getWorldPositionData(screenPosition: Vector2, height?: number, includeHiddenFloors?: boolean): Promise; /** * @deprecated Use [[Conversion.worldToScreen]] to convert a 3d position to a point on screen. */ getScreenPosition(worldPosition: Vector3): Promise; } export declare namespace Room { type RoomData = { id: string; label: string; bounds: { min: Vector3; max: Vector3; }; floorInfo: { id: string; sequence: number; }; size: Vector3; center: Vector3; }; type CurrentRooms = { rooms: Room.RoomData[]; }; namespace Conversion { /** * Generate a map between v2 IDs and v1 IDs * * This method will help with migration between IDs used for rooms. * * ``` * const mapping = await mpSdk.Room.Conversion.createIdMap(); * ``` * * @param invert?: boolean - if passed, return map of v1->v2 instead */ function createIdMap(invert?: boolean): Promise>; } } export interface Room { Conversion: typeof Room.Conversion; /** * An observable to determine which rooms the player's camera is currently in. * * If the camera is in a location between rooms, or somehwere where our room bounds overlap, the `rooms` array will contain both (or more) rooms. * If the camera is in a mode other than `INSIDE`, the `rooms` array may be empty. * If the camera is in an unaligned sweep, the `rooms` array will be empty. * * ``` * mpSdk.Room.current.subscribe(function (currentRooms) { * if (currentRooms.rooms.length > 0) { * console.log('currently in', currentRooms.rooms.length, 'rooms'); * } else { * console.log('Not currently inside any rooms'); * } * }); * ``` */ current: IObservable; /** * An observable collection of Room data that can be subscribed to. * * See [[IObservableMap]] to learn how to receive data from the collection. * * ``` * mpSdk.Room.data.subscribe({ * onCollectionUpdated: function (collection) { * console.log('Collection received. There are ', Object.keys(collection).length, 'rooms in the collection'); * } * }); * ``` */ data: IObservableMap; } /** * Our Sensor system allows for generating spatial queries to understand a Matterport digital twin. * By utilizing and setting up Sources around the scene, some questions that can be answered are: * - "what things are currently visible on screen?" * - "what things are near me?" * * where "things" can be Mattertag posts, sweeps, arbitrary locations (that you choose), or any combination of those. */ export declare namespace Sensor { enum SensorType { CAMERA = "sensor.sensortype.camera" } enum SourceType { SPHERE = "sensor.sourcetype.sphere", BOX = "sensor.sourcetype.box", CYLINDER = "sensor.sourcetype.cylinder" } /** * A Sensor that detects Sources and provides information about the reading of each. */ interface ISensor extends IObservable { /** The world-space position of the sensor. */ origin: Vector3; /** The world-space "forward" direction describing which direction the sensor is facing. */ forward: Vector3; /** * Add a source, to add its readings to the set of readings provided by `.subscribe`. * @param sources */ addSource(...sources: ISource[]): void; /** * Start receiving updates when properties of this sensor change, e.g. `origin` or `forward`, not its `readings`.
* Subscribe to `readings` to receive updates about associated `ISources` */ subscribe(observer: IObserver | ObserverCallback): ISubscription; /** * An observable used to get information about assocated `ISources` added with [[ISensor.addSource]] */ readings: { /** * Start receiving updates about the current set of sources added to this sensor. * @param observer */ subscribe(observer: ISensorObserver): ISubscription; }; /** * Show debug visuals for this sensor. Existing visuals are disposed. * @param show */ showDebug(show: boolean): void; /** * Teardown and cleanup the sensor, and stop receiving updates. */ dispose(): void; } type SphereVolume = { /** The origin of the sphere. */ origin: Vector3; /** The distance from origin of the sphere volume. */ radius: number; }; type BoxVolume = { /** The center position of the box. */ center: Vector3; /** The length, width, and depth of the box volume. */ size: Vector3; /** The orientation of the box. The rotations are applied in yaw, pitch, then roll order. */ orientation: Orientation; }; type CylinderVolume = { /** The point which defines the position (base) from which the height in the +Y, and radius in the XZ-plane are relative to. */ basePoint: Vector3; /** The height of the cylinder. */ height: number; /** The radius of the cylinder. */ radius: number; }; /** * A Source represents a volume that will be detected by a Sensor. * The type of the source, describes the type of volume associated with it. * For example, with a `type` of `SourceType.SPHERE` the `volume` is a `SphereVolume`; a `SourceType.BOX` has a `BoxVolume`. */ interface ISource = Record> { /** The type of source. */ type: SourceType; /** The volume that represents the range of emissions from this `ISource`. */ volume: Volume; /** Arbitrary data that can be used to set additional metadata, for example. */ userData: UserData; /** * Let the sensor system know there is an update to this `ISource`.
* When changing any properties on `volume`, no changes will be reflected on the source or in Showcase until `commit` is called. */ commit(): Promise; } /** * A specialized [[IMapObserver]] which maps an `ISource` to its current `SensorReading`. */ interface ISensorObserver { /** Called when a the first `reading` is added from `source`. */ onAdded?(source: ISource, reading: SensorReading, collection: Map): void; /** Called when `source` and its `reading` is removed. */ onRemoved?(source: ISource, reading: SensorReading, collection: Map): void; /** Called when an existing `reading` is altered from `source`. */ onUpdated?(source: ISource, reading: SensorReading, collection: Map): void; /** Called when a set of changes happens within the `collection`. */ onCollectionUpdated?(collection: Map): void; } /** * Information about the Source as read by the Sensor. */ type SensorReading = { /** The sensor is currently within the broadcast range of the source. */ inRange: boolean; /** The sensor is within the source's broadcast range and the sensor has clear line of sight to the source. */ inView: boolean; /** The distance between the sensor and the source. */ distance: number; /** The squared distance from the sensor to the source. */ distanceSquared: number; /** The world-space direction from the sensor to the source. */ direction: Vector3; }; /** * Additional `userData` to associate with an `ISource` when creating it. * This is a free dictionary that can contain any key/values deemed necessary. */ type SourceOptions = Record> = { userData: UserData; }; } export interface Sensor { SensorType: typeof Sensor.SensorType; SourceType: typeof Sensor.SourceType; /** * Create an [[`ISensor`]] which can sense and provide information about [[`ISource`]]. * * ```typescript * const sensor = await mpSdk.Sensor.createSensor(mpSdk.Sensor.SensorType.CAMERA); * // add sources from calls to `Sensor.createSource()` * sensor.addSource(...sources); * // start listening for changes to the sensor's readings * sensor.readings.subscribe({ * onAdded(source, reading) { * console.log(source.userData.id, 'has a reading of', reading); * }, * onUpdated(source, reading) { * console.log(source.userData.id, 'has an updated reading'); * if (reading.inRange) { * console.log(source.userData.id, 'is currently in range'); * if (reading.inView) { * console.log('... and currently visible on screen'); * } * } * } * }); * ``` */ createSensor(type: Sensor.SensorType.CAMERA): Promise; /** * Create a spherical [[`ISource`]] which can be sensed by an [[`ISensor`]].
* A shallow copy of `options.userData` is applied to the Source upon creation. * * Omitting `options.origin` will default the source's `volume.origin` to `{ x: 0, y: 0, z: 0 }`.
* Omitting `options.radius` will default the source's `volume.radius` to `Infinity`. * * ```typescript * const sources: Array> = await Promise.all([ * mpSdk.Sensor.createSource(mpSdk.Sensor.SourceType.SPHERE, { * origin: { x: 1, y: 2, z: 3 }, * radius: 20, * userData: { * id: 'sphere-source-1', * }, * }), * mpSdk.Sensor.createSource(mpSdk.Sensor.SourceType.SPHERE, { * radius: 4, * userData: { * id: 'sphere-source-2', * }, * }), * ]); * // attach to a sensor previously created with `Sensor.createSensor()` * sensor.addSource(...sources); * ``` * @param options */ createSource = Record>(type: Sensor.SourceType.SPHERE, options: Partial>): Promise>; /** * Create an box shaped [[`ISource`]] which can be sensed by an [[`ISensor`]].
* A shallow copy of `options.userData` is applied to the Source upon creation. * * Omitting `options.center` will default the source's `volume.center` to `{ x: 0, y: 0, z: 0 }`.
* Omitting `options.size` will default the source's `volume.size` to `{ x: Infinity, y: Infinity, z: Infinity }`. * Omitting `options.orientation` will default the source's `volume.orientatin` to `{ yaw: 0, pitch: 0, roll: 0 }`. * * ```typescript * const sources: Array> = await Promise.all([ * mpSdk.Sensor.createSource(mpSdk.Sensor.SourceType.BOX, { * center: { x: 1, y: 1, z: 1 }, * size: { x: 2, y: 1, z: 2 }, * userData: { * id: 'box-source-1', * }, * }), * mpSdk.Sensor.createSource(mpSdk.Sensor.SourceType.BOX, { * size: { x: 2: y: 2, z: 2 }, * orientation: { yaw: 45, pitch: 45, roll: 45 }, * userData: { * id: 'box-source-2', * }, * }), * ]); * // attach to a sensor previously created with `Sensor.createSensor()` * sensor.addSource(...sources); * ``` * @param options */ createSource = Record>(type: Sensor.SourceType.BOX, options: Partial>): Promise>; /** * Create a cylindrical [[`ISource`]] which can be sensed by an [[`ISensor`]].
* A shallow copy of `options.userData` is applied to the Source upon creation. * * Omitting `options.basePoint` will default the source's `volume.basePoint` to `{ x: 0, y: 0, z: 0 }`.
* Omitting `options.radius` will default the source's `volume.radius` to `Infinity`.
* Omitting `options.height` will default the source's `volume.height` to `Infinity`. * * ```typescript * const sources: Array> = await Promise.all([ * mpSdk.Sensor.createSource(mpSdk.Sensor.SourceType.CYLINDER, { * basePoint: { x: 0, y: 0, z: 0 }, * radius: 2, * height: 5, * userData: { * id: 'cylinder-source-1', * }, * }), * mpSdk.Sensor.createSource(mpSdk.Sensor.SourceType.CYLINDER, { * basePoint: { x: 1, y: 2, z: 3 }, * radius: 3, * userData: { * id: 'cylinder-source-2', * }, * }), * ]); * // attach to a sensor previously created with `Sensor.createSensor()` * sensor.addSource(...sources); * ``` */ createSource = Record>(type: Sensor.SourceType.CYLINDER, options: Partial>): Promise>; } export declare namespace Settings { } export interface Settings { /** * This function returns the value of a setting if it exists, if it does not currently exist, it will return undefined. * * ``` * mpSdk.Settings.get('labels') * .then(function(data) { * // Setting retrieval complete. * console.log('Labels setting: ' + data); * }) * .catch(function(error) { * // Setting retrieval error. * }); * ``` */ get(key: string): Promise; /** * This function updates the value of a setting if it exists, returning the new value when it is set * * ``` * mpSdk.Settings.update('labels', false) * .then(function(data) { * // Setting update complete. * console.log('Labels setting: ' + data); * }) * .catch(function(error) { * // Setting update error. * }); * ``` */ update(key: string, value: any): Promise; } export declare namespace Tag { enum AttachmentType { /** An unknown type of attachment. This should never happen */ UNKNOWN = "tag.attachment.unknown", APPLICATION = "tag.attachment.application", AUDIO = "tag.attachment.audio", /** The attachment contains an image */ IMAGE = "tag.attachment.image", /** The attachment contains rich content like an iframe of another site */ MODEL = "tag.attachment.model", PDF = "tag.attachment.pdf", RICH = "tag.attachment.rich", TEXT = "tag.attachment.text", /** The attachment contains a video */ VIDEO = "tag.attachment.video", ZIP = "tag.attachment.zip", /** The attachment is a sandbox created by a call to [[Tag.registerSandbox]] */ SANDBOX = "tag.attachment.sandbox" } type TagData = { id: string; anchorPosition: Vector3; discPosition: Vector3; stemVector: Vector3; stemHeight: number; stemVisible: boolean; label: string; description: string; color: Color; roomId: string; /** The ids of the attachments currently attached to this tag */ attachments: string[]; keywords: string[]; /** Read-only Font Awesome id for icons set in workshop, e.g. "face-grin-tongue-squint" * This value does not change if [[Tag.editIcon]] is used. This value is an empty string if no fontId was set. */ fontId: string; }; /** * Things such as media, etc that can be attached to a Tag. * Attachments are the new equivalent to Media in Mattertags. */ type Attachment = { id: string; src: string; type: AttachmentType; }; /** * A subset of the TagData used when adding Tags. * Most properties are optional except those used for positioning: `anchorPosition`, `stemVector`. */ type Descriptor = { id?: string; anchorPosition: Vector3; stemVector: Vector3; stemVisible?: boolean; label?: string; description?: string; color?: Color; opacity?: number; iconId?: string; attachments?: string[]; }; type EditPositionDescriptor = { id: string; options: Partial; }; type PositionOptions = { anchorPosition: Vector3; stemVector: Vector3; roomId: string; }; type StemHeightEditOptions = { stemHeight: number; stemVisible: boolean; }; /** * @hidden * @internal * @experimental */ type ProgressOptions = { progress?: (percentComplete: number) => void; }; type EditableProperties = { label: string; description: string; }; type SandboxOptions = { /** * A map for the three global functions we provide in your sandbox. * Only needs to be used if scripts you are importing also have a global `send`, `on`, `off`, `tag`, or `docked`. */ globalVariableMap: GlobalVariableMap; /** * A human readable name that will be used as the `src` in the attachments collection. */ name: string; /** * The size of the sandbox to display * Providing `0` as one of the dimensions will instead use the default: 150px for height, 100% for width. */ size: Size; }; /** * Map the globals we provide in your sandbox to other names. */ type GlobalVariableMap = { send?: string; on?: string; off?: string; tag?: string; docked?: string; }; /** * A messaging object to send and receive messages to and from your iframe sandbox. */ interface IMessenger { /** * Send a messages of type `eventType` to the iframe sandbox with any optional data associated with the message */ send(eventType: string, ...args: any[]): void; /** * Add a handler for messages of type `eventType` from the iframe sandbox */ on(eventType: string, eventHandler: (...args: any[]) => void): void; /** * Remove a handler for messages of type `eventType` from the iframe sandbox */ off(eventType: string, eventHandler: (...args: any[]) => void): void; } /** * The actions that can be taken when interacting with a tag */ type AllowableActions = { /** Whether the tag can be opened via a mouse hover */ opening: boolean; /** Whether navigation towared the tag will occur when clicked */ navigating: boolean; /** Whether the tag can be docked */ docking: boolean; /** Whether the tag has a share button */ sharing: boolean; }; type OpenOptions = { /** Force the tag open regardless of whether its allowed from previous calls to [[Tag.allowAction]] */ force: boolean; }; type OpenTags = { /** The id of the tag that is currently being previewed or hovered over. */ hovered: string | null; /** The set of ids of tags that are currently "stuck" open like from a click action. Currently, this is limited to just one tag. */ selected: Set; /** The id of the tag that is currently docked. */ docked: string | null; }; } export interface Tag { AttachmentType: typeof Tag.AttachmentType; /** * An observable collection of the [[Attachment]]. * * ```typescript * mpSdk.Tag.attachments.subscribe({ * onAdded: function (index, item, collection) { * console.log('An attachment was added to the collection', index, item, collection); * }, * onCollectionUpdated(collection) { * console.log('The entire collection of attachments', collection); * }, * }); * ``` * * @embed * @bundle * @introduced */ attachments: IObservableMap; /** * Attach [[Attachment]] to a Tag. * * ```typescript * const tagId: string; // ... acquired through a previous call to `mpSdk.Tag.add` or through `mpSdk.Tag.data` * const attachmentIds: string[]; // ... acquired through a previous call to `mpSdk.Tag.registerAttachment` or through `mpSdk.Tag.attachments` * * mpSdk.Tag.attach(tagId, ...attachmentIds); * // or * mpSdk.Tag.attach(tagId, attachmentId[0], attachmentId[1]); * ``` * * @param tagId * @param attachmentId * @return A promise that resolves when the Attachment is added to the Tag * * @embed * @bundle * @introduced */ attach(tagId: string, ...attachmentIds: string[]): Promise; /** * Read and create transient tags from another space. * * @hidden * @internal * @experimental * * @param sid external space id containg tags * @param options */ importTags(spaceSid: string, options: Partial): Promise; /** * Moves all transient tags into a persistent layer. Tag sids are not preserved. * * @return The list of newly created tags. * * @hidden * @internal * @experimental * * @param options */ saveToLayer(options: Partial): Promise; /** * Detach [[Attachment]] from a Tag. * * ```typescript * const tagId: string; // ... acquired through a previous call to `mpSdk.Tag.add` or through `mpSdk.Tag.data` * const attachmentIds: string[]; // ... acquired through a previous call to `mpSdk.Tag.registerAttachment` or through `mpSdk.Tag.attachments` * * mpSdk.Tag.detach(tagId, ...attachmentIds); * // or * mpSdk.Tag.detach(tagId, attachmentId[0], attachmentId[1]); * ``` * * @param tagId * @param attachmentIds * * @embed * @bundle * @introduced */ detach(tagId: string, ...attachmentIds: string[]): Promise; /** * Register a new [[Attachment]] that can later be attached as media to a Tag. * * Custom HTML can be added as an attachment through the use of [[registerSandbox]] instead. * * ```typescript * // register a couple of attachments to use later * const [attachmentId1, attachmentId2] = mpSdk.Tag.registerAttachment( * 'https://[link.to/media]', * 'https://[link.to/other_media]', * ); * ``` * @param srcs The src URLs of the media * @return A promise that resolves to an array of ids associated with the newly added Attachments * * @embed * @bundle * @introduced */ registerAttachment(...srcs: string[]): Promise; /** * Register an HTML sandbox that diplays custom HTML and runs custom scripts as an attachment. * Data can be sent and received from the sandbox by using the returned [[IMessenger]]. * * ```typescript * const htmlToInject = ` * * * * `; * * // create and register the sandbox * const [sandboxId, messenger] = await mpSdk.Tag.registerSandbox(htmlToInject); * // attach the sandbox to a tag * mpSdk.Tag.attach(tagId, sandboxId); * // receive data from the sandbox * messenger.on('buttonClick', (buttonId) => { * console.log('clicked button with id:', buttonId); * }); * // send data to the sandbox * messenger.send('I send messages', 'red'); * ``` * * @param html * @param options * @returns An [[IMessenger]] that can be used to communicate with the sandbox by sending and receiving data * * @embed * @bundle * @introduced */ registerSandbox(html: string, options?: Partial): Promise<[ string, Tag.IMessenger ]>; /** * An observable collection of Tag data that can be subscribed to. * * When first subscribing, the current set of Tags will call the observer's `onAdded` for each Tag as the data becomes available. * * ```typescript * mpSdk.Tag.data.subscribe({ * onAdded(index, item, collection) { * console.log('Tag added to the collection', index, item, collection); * }, * onRemoved(index, item, collection) { * console.log('Tag removed from the collection', index, item, collection); * }, * onUpdated(index, item, collection) { * console.log('Tag updated in place in the collection', index, item, collection); * }, * onCollectionUpdated(collection) { * console.log('The full collection of Tags looks like', collection); * } * }); * ``` * * @embed * @bundle * @introduced */ data: IObservableMap; /** * An observable state of that tags that are hovered, selected, or docked. * A Tag can be in all three states at once. A docked tag is also always considered selected. * * ```typescript * mpSdk.Tag.openTags.subscribe({ * prevState: { * hovered: null, * docked: null, * selected: null, * }, * onChanged(newState) { * if (newState.hovered !== this.prevState.hovered) { * if (newState.hovered) { * console.log(newState.hovered, 'was hovered'); * } else { * console.log(this.prevState.hovered, 'is no longer hovered'); * } * } * if (newState.docked !== this.prevState.docked) { * if (newState.docked) { * console.log(newState.docked, 'was docked'); * } else { * console.log(this.prevState.docked, 'was undocked'); * } * } * * // only compare the first 'selected' since only one tag is currently supported * const [selected = null] = newState.selected; // destructure and coerce the first Set element to null * if (selected !== this.prevState.selected) { * if (selected) { * console.log(selected, 'was selected'); * } else { * console.log(this.prevState.selected, 'was deselected'); * } * } * * // clone and store the new state * this.prevState = { * ...newState, * selected, * }; * }, * }); * ``` * * @embed * @bundle * @introduced 23.2.1 */ openTags: IObservable; /** * Add one or more Tags to Showcase. * Each input Tag supports setting the label, description, color or icon, anchorPosition, stemVector, and attachments. * * Two properties are required: * - `anchorPosition`, the point where the tag connects to the model * - `stemVector`, the direction, aka normal, and height that the Tag stem points * * See [[Pointer.intersection]] for a way to retrieve a new `anchorPosition` and `stemVector`. * * **Note**: these changes are not persisted between refreshes of Showcase. They are only valid for the current browser session. * They also do not have "share" buttons as they associated with them. * * ```typescript * mpSdk.Tag.add({ * label: 'New tag', * description: 'This tag was added through the Matterport SDK', * anchorPosition: { * x: 0, * y: 0, * z: 0, * }, * stemVector: { // make the Tag stick straight up and make it 0.30 meters (~1 foot) tall * x: 0, * y: 0.30, * z: 0, * }, * color: { // blue disc * r: 0.0, * g: 0.0, * b: 1.0, * }, * }, { * label: 'New tag 2', * anchorPosition: { * x: 1, * y: 2, * z: 3, * }, * stemVector: { * x: , * y: , * z: , * } * }); * ``` * * @param tags The descriptors for all Tags to be added. * @returns A promise that resolves with the array of ids for the newly added Tags. * * @embed * @bundle * @introduced */ add(...tags: Tag.Descriptor[]): Promise; /** * Sets the allowed "default" Showcase actions on a Tag from occurring: hover to open billboard, click to navigate to view. * If an action is ommited from the actions argument, it will be considered false by default. * * ```typescript * const tagIds: string[]; // ... acquired through previous calls to `mpSdk.Tag.add` or through `mpSdk.Tag.data` * * // prevent navigating to the tag on click * const noNavigationTag = tagIds[0]; * mpSdk.Tag.allowAction(noNavigationTag, { * opening: true, * // implies navigating: false, etc * }); * * // prevent the billboard from showing * const noBillboardTag = tagIds[1]; * mpSdk.Tag.allowAction(noBillboardTag, { * navigating: true, * // implies opening: false, etc * }); * * const noActionsTag = tagIds[2]; * mpSdk.Tag.allowAction(noActionsTag, { * // implies opening: false and navigating: false, etc * }); * ``` * * @param id The id of the Tag to change the allowed actions * @param actions The set of actions allowed on the Tag * * @embed * @bundle * @introduced */ allowAction(id: string, actions: Partial): Promise; /** * Open a tag and display its billboard. * Opening a second tag will close the first. * * ```typescript * mpSdk.Tag.open(tagId); * * // if the tag has had its `dock` option removed through a call to `Tag.allowAction`, it can be `force`d open * mpSdk.Tag.allowAction(tagId, { * opening: false, * }); * mpSdk.Tag.open(tagId, * force: true, * }); * ``` * * @param id * @param options * * @embed * @bundle * @introduced 23.2.1 */ open(id: string, options?: Partial): Promise; /** * Close a tag and its billboard or dock. * * ```typescript * const tagId: string; // ... acquired through previous calls to `mpSdk.Tag.add` or through `mpSdk.Tag.data` * mpSdk.Tag.open(tagId); * mpSdk.Tag.close(tagId); * ``` * * @param id * @embed * @bundle * @introduced 23.2.1 */ close(id: string): Promise; /** * Open a tag in the docked view. * * ```typescript * const tagId: string; // ... acquired through previous calls to `mpSdk.Tag.add` or through `mpSdk.Tag.data` * mpSdk.Tag.dock(tagId); * ``` * * @param id * @param options * @embed * @bundle * @introduced 23.2.1 */ dock(id: string, options?: Partial): Promise; /** * Edit the text content in a Tag's billboard. * * **Note**: these changes are not persisted between refreshes of Showcase. They are only valid for the current browser session. * * ```typescript * mpSdk.Tag.editBillboard(id, { * label: 'This is a new title', * description: 'This image was set dynamically by the Showcase sdk', * }); * ``` * @param id the id of the Tag to edit * @param properties A dictionary of properties to set * * @embed * @bundle * @introduced */ editBillboard(id: string, properties: Partial): Promise; /** * Edit the color of a Tag's disc. * * ```typescript * const tagIds: string[]; // ... acquired through previous calls to `mpSdk.Tag.add` or through `mpSdk.Tag.data` * * // change the first Tag to yellow * mpSdk.Tag.editColor(tagIds[0], { * r: 0.9, * g: 0, * b: 0.9, * }); * ``` * * @param id The id of the Tag to edit * @param color The new color to be applied to the Tag disc * * @embed * @bundle * @introduced */ editColor(id: string, color: Color): Promise; /** * Change the icon of the Tag disc. Icons can be registered asset textures or font ids provided by the player. * Supported font ids can be found at https://matterport.github.io/showcase-sdk/tags_icons_reference.html. * * **Note**: these changes are not persisted between refreshes of Showcase. They are only valid for the current browser session. * * ```typescript * // change the icon of the Tag using the id used in a previous `Asset.registerTexture` call * mpSdk.Tag.editIcon(id, 'customIconId'); * ``` * * ```typescript * // change the icon of the Tag to a font id. * mpSdk.Tag.editIcon(id, 'public_buildings_apartment'); * ``` * * @param tagId The id of the Tag to edit * @param iconId The id of the icon to apply * * @embed * @bundle * @introduced */ editIcon(tagId: string, iconId: string): Promise; /** * Edit the opacity of a Tag. * * A completely transparent/invisible Tag is still interactable and will respond to mouse hovers and clicks. * * ```typescript * const tagIds: string[]; // ... acquired through previous calls to `mpSdk.Tag.add` or through `mpSdk.Tag.data` * // make the first Tag invisible * mpSdk.Tag.editOpacity(tagIds[0], 0); * * // make another Tag transparent * mpSdk.Tag.editOpacity(tagIds[1], 0.5); * * // and another completely opaque * mpSdk.Tag.editOpacity(tagIds[2], 1); * ``` * * @param id The id of the Tag to edit * @param opacity The target opacity for the Tag in the range of [0, 1] * * @embed * @bundle * @introduced */ editOpacity(id: string, opacity: number): Promise; /** * Edit the stem of a Tag * * ```typescript * const tagId: string = tagData[0].id; // ... acquired through a previous call to `mpSdk.Tag.add` or through `mpSdk.Tag.data` * * // make the first Tag have an invsible stem * mpSdk.Tag.editStem(tagId, {stemVisible: false}); * * // make another Tag have a long stem * mpSdk.Tag.editStem(tagId, {stemHeight: 1}); * ``` * * @param tagSid The sid of the Tag to edit * @param stemOptions What to change about the Tag's stem - can include stemHeight and stemVisible * * @embed * @bundle * @introduced */ editStem(tagSid: string, options: Partial): Promise; /** * Move and reorient a Tag. * * See [[Pointer.intersection]] for a way to retrieve a new `anchorPosition` and `stemVector`. * * **Note**: these changes are not persisted between refreshes of Showcase. They are only valid for the current browser session. * * ```typescript * const tagId: string; // ... acquired through a previous call to `mpSdk.Tag.add` or through `mpSdk.Tag.data` * * mpSdk.Tag.editPosition(tagId, { * anchorPosition: { * x: 0, * y: 0, * z: 0, * }, * stemVector: { // make the Tag stick straight up and make it 0.30 meters (~1 foot) tall * x: 0, * y: 0.30, * z: 0, * }, * }); * ``` * @param id The id of the Tag to reposition * @param options The new anchorPosition, stemVector and/or roomId to associate the tag with. * * @embed * @bundle * @introduced */ editPosition(id: string, options: Partial): Promise; /** * Move and reorient a list of Tags. Prefer to call this method once over calling [[Tag.editPosition]] multiple times. * * ``` * const newRoomId; // precomputed room id * const tagId1, tagId2, tagId3; // predetermined tag ids. * const tagIds: MpSdk.Tag.EditPositionDescriptor[] = []; // an array of tag edit position descriptors * * // updates anchorPosition for tag1 * tagIds.push({ * id: tag1, * options: { * anchorPosition: { * x: 0, * y: 0, * z: 0, * }, * }, * }); * * // updates roomId for tag2 * tagIds.push({ * id: tag2, * options: { * roomId: newRoomId, * }, * }); * * // updates stemVector for tag3 * tagIds.push({ * id: tag3, * options: { * stemVector: { // make the Tag stick straight up and make it 0.30 meters (~1 foot) tall * x: 0, * y: 0.30, * z: 0, * }, * }, * }); * * // apply bulk updates * await mpSdk.Tag.editPositions(...tagIds); * * ``` * @param tags The edit position descriptors for all Tags to be modified. */ editPositions(...tags: Tag.EditPositionDescriptor[]): Promise; /** * Removes one or more Tags from Showcase. * * **Note**: these changes are not persisted between refreshes of Showcase. They are only valid for the current browser session. * * ```typescript * const tagIds: string[]; // ... acquired through a previous call to `mpSdk.Tag.add` or through `mpSdk.Tag.data` * // remove one tag * mpSdk.Tag.remove(tagIds[0]); * * // or remove multiple at the same time * mpSdk.Tag.remove(...tagIds); * ``` * @param ids The Tags' ids to be removed. * @returns A promise with an array of Tag ids that were actually removed. * * @embed * @bundle * @introduced */ remove(...ids: string[]): Promise; /** * Resets the icon of the Tag disc back to its original icon. * * ```typescript * const tagIds: string[]; // ... acquired through a previous call to `mpSdk.Tag.add` or through `mpSdk.Tag.data` * * // reset the icon of the first Tag to its original * mpSdk.Tag.resetIcon(tagIds[0].id); * ``` * * @param id The id of the Tag to reset * * @embed * @bundle * @introduced */ resetIcon(id: string): Promise; /** * Toggle the overhead navigation UI * * ```typescript * // hide the controls * mpSdk.Tag.toggleNavControls(false); * * // show the controls * mpSdk.Tag.toggleNavControls(true); * * // toggle the current visibility of the controls * mpSdk.Tag.toggleNavControls(); * ``` * @param enable * * @embed * @bundle * @introduced 23.3.1 */ toggleNavControls(enable?: boolean): Promise; /** * Toggle the dock setting to hide dock buttons in all tags. * * Disabling the dock setting will remove the dock buttons from all tags. * Enabling the dock setting does not automatically show the dock button in all tags. * The dock button will only be displayed in a tag if both the dock setting is true and docking is allowed by the tag (see [[Tag.allowAction]]). * * ```typescript * // hide the dock buttons * mpSdk.Tag.toggleDocking(false); * * // show the dock buttons * mpSdk.Tag.toggleDocking(true); * * // toggle the current visibility of the dock buttons * mpSdk.Tag.toggleDocking(); * ``` * @param enable * * @embed * @bundle * @introduced 23.4.2 */ toggleDocking(enable?: boolean): Promise; /** * Toggle the share setting to hide share buttons in all tags. * * Disabling the share setting will remove the share buttons from all tags. * Enabling the share setting does not automatically show the share button in all tags. * The share button will only be displayed in a tag if both the share setting is true and sharing is allowed by the tag (see [[Tag.allowAction]]). * * ```typescript * // hide the share buttons * mpSdk.Tag.toggleSharing(false); * * // show the share buttons * mpSdk.Tag.toggleSharing(true); * * // toggle the current visibility of the share buttons * mpSdk.Tag.toggleSharing(); * ``` * @param enable * * @embed * @bundle * @introduced 23.4.2 */ toggleSharing(enable?: boolean): Promise; } declare namespace Test { namespace Sub { /** * Call an asynchronous command with a parameter and get the same value back. * @param arg */ function echo(arg: string): Promise; /** * Call an asynchronous command with a parameter and get the same value back. * @param arg */ function echoAsync(arg: string): Promise; namespace Sub2 { /** * Call an asynchronous command with a parameter and get the same value back. * @param arg */ function echo(arg: string): Promise; /** * Call an asynchronous command with a parameter and get the same value back. * @param arg */ function echoAsync(arg: string): Promise; } } } interface Test { /** * Call a synchronous command with a parameter and get the same value back. * @param arg */ echo(arg: string): Promise; /** * Call an asynchronous command with a parameter and get the same value back. * @param arg */ echoAsync(arg: string): Promise; /** * Get the current visibility state of Tags. Visibility can be affected by which layers are active. */ getTagVisibility(): Promise>; /** * A sub-namespace that simply namespaces and sub-namespaces the functions in this interface */ Sub: { echo: typeof Test.Sub.echo; echoAsync: typeof Test.Sub.echoAsync; Sub2: { echo: typeof Test.Sub.Sub2.echo; echoAsync: typeof Test.Sub.Sub2.echoAsync; }; }; } /** * Sample custom tour. * * ``` * const connect = function(sdk) { * const mpSdk = sdk; * * mpSdk.Tour.Event.on(Tour.Event.STEPPED, function(tourIndex){ * console.log('Tour index ' + tourIndex); * }); * mpSdk.Tour.Event.on(Tour.Event.STARTED, function(){ * console.log('Tour started'); * }); * mpSdk.Tour.Event.on(Tour.Event.STOPPED, function(){ * console.log('Tour stopped'); * }); * * mpSdk.Tour.getData() * .then(function(tour) { * console.log('tour has ' + tour.length + ' stops'); * return mpSdk.Tour.start(0); * }) * .then(function(){ * // console 'Tour started' * // console -> 'Tour index 0' * return mpSdk.Tour.next(); * }) * .then(function(){ * // console -> 'Tour index 1' * return mpSdk.Tour.step(3); * }) * .then(function(){ * // console -> 'Tour index 3' * return mpSdk.Tour.prev(); * }) * .then(function(){ * // console -> 'Tour index 2' * // console -> 'Tour stopped' * return mpSdk.Tour.stop(); * }); * } * ``` * */ export declare namespace Tour { type Snapshot = { sid: string; thumbnailUrl: string; imageUrl: string; is360: boolean; name: string; mode: Mode.Mode | undefined; position: Vector3; rotation: Vector3; zoom: number; }; enum Event { /** @event */ STARTED = "tour.started", /** @event */ STOPPED = "tour.stopped", /** @event */ ENDED = "tour.ended", /** @event */ STEPPED = "tour.stepped" } type CurrentStepData = { step: string | null; }; enum PlayState { INACTIVE = "tour.inactive", ACTIVE = "tour.active", STOP_SCHEDULED = "tour.stopscheduled" } type CurrentStateData = { current: PlayState; }; type CurrentTransitionData = { from: string | null; to: string | null; }; } export declare interface Tour { Event: typeof Tour.Event; PlayState: typeof Tour.PlayState; /** * This function starts the tour. * * ``` * const tourIndex = 1; * * mpSdk.Tour.start(tourIndex) * .then(function() { * // Tour start complete. * }) * .catch(function(error) { * // Tour start error. * }); * ``` * * @embed * @bundle */ start(index?: number): Promise; /** * This function stops the tour. * * ``` * mpSdk.Tour.stop() * .then(function() { * // Tour stop complete. * }) * .catch(function(error) { * // Tour stop error. * }); * ``` * * @embed * @bundle */ stop(): Promise; /** * This function moves the camera to a specific snapshot in the tour. * * ``` * const myStep = 2; * mpSdk.Tour.step(myStep) * .then(function() { * //Tour step complete. * }) * .catch(function(error) { * // Tour step error. * }); * ``` * * @embed * @bundle */ step(index: number): Promise; /** * This function moves the camera to the next snapshot in the tour. * * ``` * mpSdk.Tour.next() * .then(function() { * // Tour next complete. * }) * .catch(function(error) { * // Tour next error. * }); * ``` * * @embed * @bundle */ next(): Promise; /** * This function moves the camera to the previous snapshot in the tour. * * ``` * mpSdk.Tour.prev() * .then(function() { * // Tour prev complete. * }) * .catch(function(error) { * // Tour prev error. * }); * ``` * * @embed * @bundle */ prev(): Promise; /** * This function returns an array of Snapshots. * * ``` * mpSdk.Tour.getData() * .then(function(snapshots) { * // Tour getData complete. * if(snapshots.length > 0){ * console.log('First snapshot sid: ' + snapshots[0].sid); * console.log('First snapshot name: ' + snapshots[0].name); * console.log('First snapshot position: ' + snapshots[0].position); * } * }) * .catch(function(error) { * // Tour getData error. * }); * ``` * * @embed * @bundle */ getData(): Promise; /** * The zero-indexed current Tour step. * The step will be null if no Tour is currently playing. * * ``` * mpSdk.Tour.currentStep.subscribe(function (current) { * // the step index has changed * // 0 for the first step, 1 for the second, etc. * console.log('Current step is ', current.step); * }); * ``` * * @embed * @bundle * @introduced */ currentStep: IObservable; /** * An observable state of the current Tour. Returns a Tour.PlayState of * `INACTIVE` (no tour in progress), `ACTIVE` (tour in progress), or `STOP_SCHEDULED` * (tour in progress, but a stop has been queued by the user or automatically by the tour ending). * * ``` * mpSdk.Tour.state.subscribe(function (state) { * // the state has changed * console.log('Current state is ', state.current); * }); * ``` * * @embed * @bundle * @introduced */ state: IObservable; /** * An observable representing the current Tour's transition. * * `{ from: string | null, to: string | null }`. * * `from` can be `null` when transitioning from outside of a tour. `from` and `to` will both be `null` when * there is no active transition. * * ``` * mpSdk.Tour.transition.subscribe(function (transition) { * // the transition has changed * console.log('Current transition is ', transition.from, transition.to); * }); * ``` * * @embed * @bundle * @introduced */ transition: IObservable; } export declare namespace View { interface View extends IObservable { /** the unique id of the View */ readonly id: string; /** the human-readable name of the View */ readonly name: string; /** whether this is the active View or not */ readonly active: boolean; /** * An iterator over the set of Layers associated with this View * * ```typescript * for (const layer of view.layers) { * console.log(`${view.id} has layer ${layer.id}`); * } * ``` */ readonly layers: IterableIterator; /** * Set this View as the currently active one optionally, returning to the start location for the new View. * * Only one View can be active at a time. * * ```typescript * const view: View; // ... acquired through previous usage of `mpSdk.View.views` * await view.setActive(true); // set the active view and return to the start location * ``` */ setActive(returnToStart?: boolean): Promise; /** * Add a Layer to this View * * ```typescript * view.addLayer(layer); * ``` * @param layer */ addLayer(layer: Layer): Promise; /** * Remove a Layer from this View * * ```typescript * view.removeLayer(layer); * ``` * @param layer */ removeLayer(layer: Layer): Promise; /** * Test if this View has a Layer associate with it * * ```typescript * if (view.hasLayer(layer)) { * console.log(`${view.id} has layer ${layer.id}`); * } * ``` * @param layer */ hasLayer(layer: Layer): boolean; } interface Layer extends IObservable { /** The unique id of the Layer */ readonly id: string; /** The human-readable name of the Layer */ readonly name: string; /** Whether this Layer toggled on or off. If toggled off, this Layer's objects are hidden. */ readonly toggled: boolean; /** * Toggle this Layer's state to `active`. * * @param active Whether this Layer toggled on or off. If `active` is undefined, the state is flipped. */ toggle(active?: boolean): Promise; /** * A subset of the Tag namespace's functionality to manipulate Tags on this layer. */ Tag: Partial; } } export interface View { /** * The currently active view * * ```typescript * mpSdk.View.current.subscribe((currentView) => { * console.log('the currently active view is', currentView.name); * }); * ``` * @earlyaccess */ current: IObservable; /** * All views associated with the current space. * * ```typescript * mpSdk.View.views.subscribe({ * onAdded(index, view, collection) { * console.log('a view with id', view.id, 'named', view.name); * }, * onCollectionUpdated(collection) { * console.log('all views', collection); * }, * }); * ``` * @earlyaccess */ views: IObservableMap; /** * All layers associated with the current space. * * Layers in inactive Views may not populate right away. Activating a View will trigger the Layers to populate. * * ```typescript * mpSdk.View.layers.subscribe({ * onAdded(index, layer, collection) { * console.log('a layer with id', layer.id, 'named', layer.name); * }, * onCollectionUpdated(collection) { * console.log('all layers', collection); * }, * }); * ``` */ layers: IObservableMap; /** * Create a layer that can be later added to a View or Views * * ```typescript * const layer = await mpSdk.View.createLayer('my layer'); * ``` * @param name */ createLayer(name: string): Promise; } interface Emitter { /** Start listening for an event */ on: typeof on; /** Stop listening for an event */ off: typeof off; } declare function off(event: any, callback: (...any: any[]) => void): Emitter; declare function on(event: App.Event.PHASE_CHANGE, callback: (app: App.Phase) => void): Emitter; declare function on(event: Camera.Event.MOVE, callback: (pose: Camera.Pose) => void): Emitter; declare function on(event: Floor.Event.CHANGE_START, callback: (to: number, from: number) => void): Emitter; declare function on(event: Floor.Event.CHANGE_END, callback: (floorIndex: number, floorName: string) => void): Emitter; declare function on(event: Label.Event.POSITION_UPDATED, callback: (labelData: Label.Label[]) => void): Emitter; declare function on(event: Mattertag.Event.HOVER, callback: (tagSid: string, hovering: boolean) => void): Emitter; declare function on(event: Mattertag.Event.CLICK, callback: (tagSid: string) => void): Emitter; declare function on(event: Mattertag.Event.LINK_OPEN, callback: (tagSid: string, url: string) => void): Emitter; declare function on(event: Mode.Event.CHANGE_START, callback: (oldMode: string, newMode: string) => void): Emitter; declare function on(event: Mode.Event.CHANGE_END, callback: (oldMode: string, newMode: string) => void): Emitter; declare function on(event: Model.Event.MODEL_LOADED, callback: (model: Model.ModelData) => void): Emitter; declare function on(event: Sweep.Event.ENTER, callback: (oldSweep: string, newSweep: string) => void): Emitter; declare function on(event: Sweep.Event.EXIT, callback: (fromSweep: string, toSweep: string | undefined) => void): Emitter; declare function on(event: Tour.Event.STARTED, callback: () => void): Emitter; declare function on(event: Tour.Event.STOPPED, callback: () => void): Emitter; declare function on(event: Tour.Event.ENDED, callback: () => void): Emitter; declare function on(event: Tour.Event.STEPPED, callback: (activeIndex: number) => void): Emitter; /** * The entire MP Sdk returned from a successful call to `MP_SDK.connect` on the [[ShowcaseEmbedWindow]]. * * ```typescript * const sdk: CommonMpSdk = await window.MP_SDK.connect(...); * ``` */ export type CommonMpSdk = { App: App; Asset: Asset; Camera: Camera; Conversion: Conversion; Floor: Floor; Graph: Graph; Label: Label; Link: Link; Mattertag: Mattertag; Measurements: Measurements; Mode: Mode; Model: Model; OAuth: OAuth; Pointer: Pointer; Renderer: Renderer; Room: Room; Sensor: Sensor; Settings: Settings; Sweep: Sweep; Tag: Tag; Test: Test; Tour: Tour; View: View; on: typeof on; off: typeof off; disconnect: typeof disconnect; }; export declare namespace CommonMpSdk { export { Color, ConditionCallback, Dictionary, ICondition, IMapObserver, IObservable, IObservableMap, IObserver, ISubscription, ObserverCallback, Orientation, Rotation, Size, Vector2, Vector3, }; export { App, Asset, Camera, Conversion, Floor, Graph, Label, Link, Mattertag, Measurements, Mode, Model, OAuth, Pointer, Renderer, Room, Sensor, Settings, Sweep, Tag, Tour, View, }; } type ConnectOptions = { /** A token to provide access to a model */ auth: string; /** * @hidden */ provider: string; /** * Used for tracking how the sdk is being integrated with other applications. * @hidden */ sdkType: string; }; /** * When including the sdk script (`